Since the the hardware already comes with free obd wiz I would stick with that as far as free goes. From what I read OBD 2007 seems to add what obd wiz already has such as graphing and playback options plus a few other technical things. I can not find any info on weather obd2007 cover enchanced gm data which among other dozens if not hundreds of data things gives you access to abs, transmission, airbag and the cam/crank correlation issue that cam up.
As far as free goes stick with obdwiz which comes with the interface. Coose the right angle option.
As far as payed for software I still reccomend Scanxl pro(130) plus the gm enchanded module add-on(90) for $220 total. Better support I think too.The only thing I think can top that is multithousand dollar handhelds.
I just can't find details that obd2007 does equal or exceed what the other combo package does. OBD2007 info seem vague in comparison. Baybe there is more info I just can't find
Here is a link I found for the developer of scanxl:
As I look at there site it stands out to me that there is a lot of work put into development just look at the release notes link
Two importants notes:
1. both scan xl pro and obd2007 can bee tried as demos for free.
2. I found on the feature list for scan xl compatibility says it supports desktop pc and laptops but not carputers. That does not make any sense unless they assume that a carputer does not have the required storage medium to install and store it such as hard rive and cd rom(it does have both right?), proper connection interface(rs-232 com port/usb) are the carputer turning off or running down a battery when the engine not running or igntion off all of which with the right install setup seems a non-issue.