Well today after running some errands when I started my truck to head home that message appeared in the DIC. Checked the fuses and they were good. Looked underneath for any loose connections and found none. I already replaced my compressor and rear shocks. I just used my autoride yesterday and heard my compressor kick in as I went fishing when I hooked up the boat. It kicked in again when I loaded the boat back up as well. I am kinda stumped to why it would just stop working. I also looked for power at the harness feeding the compressor and didn't have any. I used a 12 volt source with two leads and probed the red and black wires and the compressor started to run. What gives? I checked the connections at the ride control module too. I stopped at both of my local Autozones for a repair manual and they were out. Any insight, ideas, or schematics would be greatly appreciated. I use the autoride feature and am not looking to get rid of it. I hate to have to take it in to the dealer but I'm afraid that is where its going to go.....
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
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