2001 base 2 wheel drive 4.8L V8 Tahoe 19x,*** miles, trade a 2001 Lincoln LS for it straight up in October 2013.
The day I brought it home

null_zps9e6b30a2 by jomulk56, on Flickr
The next day

null_zps7d9422cd by jomulk56, on Flickr
Then it was time for a new Y-pipe, exhaust, and O2 sensors because it was throwing codes and had a huge exhaust leak

null_zps6398688d by jomulk56, on Flickr

null_zpsb0009d77 by jomulk56, on Flickr
Found the leak

null_zps9f490252 by jomulk56, on Flickr
The headlights where yellowing so it was time for some Depo Projectors, HIDs, and clear signals

null_zps9441780e by jomulk56, on Flickr

null_zps10ea8edb by jomulk56, on Flickr
Then I traded a crappy head unit for some 16" winter wheels with tires that I painted black. Gotta love Craigslist!

null_zpsa415902b by jomulk56, on Flickr

null_zps356ef9a1 by jomulk56, on Flickr
So then I changed out my cabin filters and replaced the blower motor resistor

null_zps58f8fdf6 by jomulk56, on Flickr
So at this point I was done and out of money and content until tax season.....so I thought
---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------
Then came January of 2014. I found black ice and met the back end of a late 90's model F-150 (those things are tough). $2500 worth of damage to the Hoe and about $600 to the F-150...Anyways I decided to do all the work myself, buy upgrades, and use my fun money at tax season for paint.
The aftermath of the accident...mind you this was at 15MPH

505AF383-3477-4431-AD0E-CBCB2A158A37_zpsywcgas4d by jomulk56, on Flickr

3ACEB978-3CA6-4985-A9DA-73862448AB7C_zpsogvaiwsv by jomulk56, on Flickr
Replacing the fender

AFE4558A-6BCF-47AB-BEA8-C80D31A14573_zpsqvioqa5d by jomulk56, on Flickr

EBFB3F47-C8C5-4676-8639-DAF149C3BD6D_zpsdkvzqryw by jomulk56, on Flickr
New fender, HD hood, and grille shell installed....and back to stock headlights and signals while new ones were on order.

F1F891BB-15C2-47DB-BF15-1B42960F6B83_zps7hmi7ne1 by jomulk56, on Flickr

FC0D5702-6E0B-4BBE-9983-830E79BFAC54_zpsldj5rfgj by jomulk56, on Flickr

8DC148A1-2612-458B-9A97-C963432099F4_zpsusoclerp by jomulk56, on Flickr
Prepping for the new bumper cover

34E3FFB2-31BC-4CC1-9105-14EC56F84229_zpshnptpg2s by jomulk56, on Flickr
Rollpan installed

4F584AC9-9610-49FF-B72B-347F30DB4426_zpsotitgfwx by jomulk56, on Flickr

C4C25021-2886-4CB8-974E-EE8C18BAF9C1_zpspcb1ai6b by jomulk56, on Flickr
Dropped her off for paint and just sat the bumper cover on it for a few pics

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr
Painted the emblem and installed it with the new Depos and clear signals

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr
Now I'm just waiting for the weather to break again so I can install the lower grille miesh and Z-71 foglights. After that I'm broke again and have to save up for street scene grille inserts. Then the front end should be done after that. I can honestly say I'm in love with how my Hoe looks and can't wait to do more to it.
The day I brought it home

null_zps9e6b30a2 by jomulk56, on Flickr
The next day

null_zps7d9422cd by jomulk56, on Flickr
Then it was time for a new Y-pipe, exhaust, and O2 sensors because it was throwing codes and had a huge exhaust leak

null_zps6398688d by jomulk56, on Flickr

null_zpsb0009d77 by jomulk56, on Flickr
Found the leak

null_zps9f490252 by jomulk56, on Flickr
The headlights where yellowing so it was time for some Depo Projectors, HIDs, and clear signals

null_zps9441780e by jomulk56, on Flickr

null_zps10ea8edb by jomulk56, on Flickr
Then I traded a crappy head unit for some 16" winter wheels with tires that I painted black. Gotta love Craigslist!

null_zpsa415902b by jomulk56, on Flickr

null_zps356ef9a1 by jomulk56, on Flickr
So then I changed out my cabin filters and replaced the blower motor resistor

null_zps58f8fdf6 by jomulk56, on Flickr
So at this point I was done and out of money and content until tax season.....so I thought
---------- Post added at 11:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------
Then came January of 2014. I found black ice and met the back end of a late 90's model F-150 (those things are tough). $2500 worth of damage to the Hoe and about $600 to the F-150...Anyways I decided to do all the work myself, buy upgrades, and use my fun money at tax season for paint.
The aftermath of the accident...mind you this was at 15MPH

505AF383-3477-4431-AD0E-CBCB2A158A37_zpsywcgas4d by jomulk56, on Flickr

3ACEB978-3CA6-4985-A9DA-73862448AB7C_zpsogvaiwsv by jomulk56, on Flickr
Replacing the fender

AFE4558A-6BCF-47AB-BEA8-C80D31A14573_zpsqvioqa5d by jomulk56, on Flickr

EBFB3F47-C8C5-4676-8639-DAF149C3BD6D_zpsdkvzqryw by jomulk56, on Flickr
New fender, HD hood, and grille shell installed....and back to stock headlights and signals while new ones were on order.

F1F891BB-15C2-47DB-BF15-1B42960F6B83_zps7hmi7ne1 by jomulk56, on Flickr

FC0D5702-6E0B-4BBE-9983-830E79BFAC54_zpsldj5rfgj by jomulk56, on Flickr

8DC148A1-2612-458B-9A97-C963432099F4_zpsusoclerp by jomulk56, on Flickr
Prepping for the new bumper cover

34E3FFB2-31BC-4CC1-9105-14EC56F84229_zpshnptpg2s by jomulk56, on Flickr
Rollpan installed

4F584AC9-9610-49FF-B72B-347F30DB4426_zpsotitgfwx by jomulk56, on Flickr

C4C25021-2886-4CB8-974E-EE8C18BAF9C1_zpspcb1ai6b by jomulk56, on Flickr
Dropped her off for paint and just sat the bumper cover on it for a few pics

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr
Painted the emblem and installed it with the new Depos and clear signals

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr

Untitled by jomulk56, on Flickr
Now I'm just waiting for the weather to break again so I can install the lower grille miesh and Z-71 foglights. After that I'm broke again and have to save up for street scene grille inserts. Then the front end should be done after that. I can honestly say I'm in love with how my Hoe looks and can't wait to do more to it.
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