I had to go to Corpus for the weekend with my wife for her aunt's wedding. My wife said that as long as I make the wedding and reception, I can take the s/c with me and install it at her brother's house while we're there so I didn't have to wait til we got back home
So we started on it late fri night, went to the wedding sat morning, then finished the install Sat afternoon. Everything went fairly smooth. Only problem; the programmer Magnuson sent won't override the BB tune I have. So now the larger injectors are staying open longer than needed because the pcm thinks the original injectors are still in the truck and it's trying to compensate for the added air. It bogs at wot under heavy loads after shifting into 2nd and beyond. But in first gear...damn, it screams. SOB is crazy loud! Started at a 15 roll (it wouldn't catch traction below that) and pulled my brother in law's 01 SS Z28 up until around 45 when the truck shifted into 2nd then started bogging down. I'm meeting Justin in a couple weeks so he can re-program the pcm and get it going. I have about a four hour trip back home, so we'll see how it does just cruising with the pcm the way it is. At least it isn't running lean.