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    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Transmission cooler line.
      Thanks. I got the flush done. This forum has helped me out so much. So glad it's available to everyone
    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Transmission cooler line.
      Thanks for all your help and that link about flow helped me understand better. I did successfully complete my transmission flush. So...
    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Transmission cooler line.
      I really appreciate you taking time to help me. I'm a very capable woman but by no means do I have a vast knowledge of cars. I have...
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    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Transmission cooler line.
      I am and that's why I'm so confused because they all take off the top one on the radiator and had fluid come out but when I did that and...
    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Transmission cooler line.
      I don't know if I replied the right way. Hopefully you got it. Maybe you can help me with this too. If the bottom line off the...
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    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Transmission cooler line.
      So you're saying disconnect both these lines? I did disconnect the one on top and not a drop of fluid came out. Then I disconnected...
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    • J
      I want to do a tranny flush can anyone tell me which line is the one that I need to disconnect to feed the hose that leads to the...
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    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Tranny flush on 03 tahoe.
      I did find a step by step w pics on here but it was for a Silverado. I'm not extremely knowledgeable about cars and I just wasn't sure...
    • J
      Can anyone give me detailed how to on flushing my transmission fluid. It's an 2003 tahoe. I recently changed my fluid but it's still...
    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Tahoe shifter cable.
      Thank you for that video I have watched that video among other videos a zillion times I just do not understand what I'm doing wrong...
    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Tahoe shifter cable.
      My husband change the transmission oil and he moved the shifter to get the pan out there was no C clip holding the shifter in the...
    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Tahoe shifter cable.
      It will go in reverse and than a second later it seems to just fall out of the gear and won't move. I can get it P,N,D,3,2,1 it just...
    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Tahoe shifter cable.
      5.3 V8 Vortec
    • J
      jackmono replied to the thread Tahoe shifter cable.
      2003 Tahoe Z71
    • J
      I replaced my shifter cable on my Chevy Tahoe and I can't get it into reverse any ideas on what to do?
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