Antonm's latest activity

  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    The air fuel ratio "defaults" to whatever the ECM tells it to. At light throttle, it doesn't go into enrichment, it stays at, or as...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    LOL, you're freaking clueless, trying to argue points with gross conceptual errors on your part. Everything we've talked about (at...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    The EPA is willing to waste A LOT of fuel to control NOX. I know this isn't a diesel discussion, but modern diesels DPF regen uses a...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    GM is a business, and business have one purpose in mind, to make money. As long as it legal and people are willing to pay for more...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    You don't have a point because you either simply don't know what hell you're talking about or English is a second language to you and...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Yeap, just like mentioned above, the 5.3 might need 30% throttle to achieve the same power the 6.2 does at 20% throttle. So for all...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Nothing about that statement is even remotely true , or makes sense in any way. Volumetric efficiency is dependent are hard parts...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    This is not always true, has a lot to do with head/ cylinder swirl, but usually max power does happen in the low 13 AFR range for pure...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Nope, you have to add more fuel AND more air to burn that more fuel. Power comes from the fuel, the air is needed to burn the fuel. If...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Because we want to either move more mass, or accelerate a given faster at a faster rate. While cursing down the road like a normal...
  • Antonm
    Antonm reacted to Marky Dissod's post in the thread DFM disabler released with Like Like.
    They're saving unpaid time and energy by pleading the 5th. Still, the less time the lifters spend 'deactivated', the longer they tend to...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    This is undoubtingly true in an absolute sense. Just like if I were to pour a 20oz bottle of fresh water into the ocean, in an absolute...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Not true, the 6.2 is not always drawing in more air than a 5.3 because there is this little thing called a throttle body at the front of...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Really? You don't think a 5.3 towing a trailer up a hill at 80% throttle (with an AFR of 14.7), will be making way more power than a...
  • Antonm
    Antonm reacted to djnice's post in the thread DFM disabler released with Like Like.
    I found more interesting info. Tula skip fire does close valves under deceleration, which they refer to cylinder deactivation or...

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