Antonm's latest activity

  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Wrong, that equation is using AFR to determine the amount of fuel added. Not exactly advanced math skills needed to figure that out...
    • wrong meme.jpg
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    And just as I suspected, you are in fact interperting it wrong. Here's the slide four you think proves what you're talking about. That...
    • clueless guys slide 4 boxed.png
    • cluless guys defination of terms boxed.png
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    lol, Nope, just think about that for a minute. If driving along at 55mph takes say 70 hp to do, then either engine (the 5.3 or the 6.2)...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    I think maybe when you fixed the link you directed it to the wrong paper. Because nowhere in the paper you linked (the paper done by the...
    • cluless guy page 4 with nothing.png
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Could you post a copy or screenshot of this equation? That way I can show you how you're mis-interpreting it , well, assuming even...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    OMG are you a moron. Throttle position alone does not, repeat not, decide what the AFR is all by itself, the PCM and its ability to...
    • clueless guy broken link.png
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Is this a statement you are willing to stand behind? Its totally wrong, but that hasn't stopped you before. If you put 10cc of fuel (or...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    lol, you’re a riot man. So by that comment am I to assume you think a larger displacement 6.2 will make more power at 20% throttle than...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    You know, you're absolutely right. My apologies to any mentally challenged people out there for comparing Blanchard7684 to you,,, you...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Sure, its just yet another case of you being silly and grasping at straws (all while being clueless I might add). Post 79 started when...
    • cluless guy post 67.png
    • my response to cluelss guy  in post 70.png
    • cluless guy post 79.png
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Why, its good for laugh and entertaining, or at least I'm entertained (although it is probably morally wrong of me to laugh at someone...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    You're just trying for anything aren't you, sad little man. You're wrong, just face it. A 5.3 at 80% throttle will in fact be making...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    I'd have to ask you that question. its pretty easy to see you're clueless dude. Have good day (or don't, doesn't really matter to me...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    this statement, this is the statement you stand behind and erased on accident ? And you want to be taken seriously/ want people to...
    • cluless guy quote.jpg
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    I'm an engineer, I jump into technical discussions for a living (usually the person I'm talking with has at least a basic understand of...

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