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  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    You do understand that you can make different powers at the same RPM , at the same AFR right? SO far we've been talking about two...
    • clueless guy slide torque with fuel.png
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Not sure what your tryig to get across here. Are you saying I only reflected performance differences at wide open throttle ,,,or are...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    What the hell are you talking about this time? The last things you said were meaningless were two scientific laws (Boyels law and...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Negative there ghost rider, not true, not even a little. Engine speed (RPM) is dependent on the ratio of power production to load. If...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    We are talking about part throttle cursing here, so assuming it always takes the same amount of force (horsepower in this case) to move...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    True, I was/ am using an ideal example. Whatever restriction that's in one engine, is also in the other and would affect both engines...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    It would appear as though you are not familiar with the concept of proportionalities. We often use things that we can directly measure...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    I thought you didn't believe in Boyle laws or Charles law,, but now you'v eflip flopped again. And the internal combustion engine...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    What you said above is just not correct. Before you start typing out your angry reply, take a few moments to read below and think about...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Feel free to step in, that's kinda the whole purpose of these forums isn't it? Tell me the specific of what you think is wrong, and...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    This is simply not true. You can certainly add air until you get to your desired AFR. Think about it a little more in this part...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Why,,, or at least amused a little? Personally I find this hilarious ,,,some internet troll thinks that two basic scientific laws...
    • entertained.jpg
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Charles law is also a law that absolutely does affect the way all engines operate. Doesn't increase displacement, but it does change...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Again, talking out of your ass (again, its recurring thing with you), I've never said, or anything even close to that. And your feeble...
  • Antonm
    Antonm replied to the thread Bad mpg?.
    Yes actually, for almost three decades now (man I'm getting old), but if the new guys coming out of school are as dumb as you are, at...

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