Recent content by drdave81

  1. drdave81

    P0300 code on 2004 GMC Yukon XL Denali - 119,000 miles

    I had a P0300 that I couldn't figure out at all. Misfire monitors were all over the place. Every ignition cycle showed different cylinders misfiring, fuel trims weren't telling me much either. I ended up running a crank sensor relearn (CASE) and that was enough to get the light off...
  2. drdave81

    Z71 Front End Swap

    You're right, I added a comment to my original post to be more clear.
  3. drdave81

    Z71 Front End Swap

    Yes I was referring to the GMT800 style, since that was what OP was wanting to do, swap NBS LS front end with NBS Z71 front end. There was never any mention of wanting to swap a GMT400 style, so I didn't think to mention that. I'm sure if he had come across one of those, it would have been...
  4. drdave81

    Z71 Front End Swap

    I guess I assumed there would be the obvious difference between OBS and NBS. We'd be referring to swapping NBS to NBS.
  5. drdave81

    Z71 Front End Swap

    What's different about the bumpers, grills, etc on the 00-01? Any pictures or info I've seen, they're all the same.
  6. drdave81

    Z71 Front End Swap

    All of the 00-06 Tahoe and Suburban front ends are the same, they'll all bolt right up. Edit: 00-06 with the GMT800 body style
  7. drdave81

    06 Silverado Crew Cab Build

    Oh I wish I could have a garage with a lift!!! I can't even fit this truck in my garage and close the door. I have to remove the rear bumper, hitch, tailgate and a brace on the door to get the door closed lol. If I pull my Yukon in there, I can close the door, but only have one way around it...
  8. drdave81

    01 Yukon Denali Build Thread

    I'm debating removing the rear HVAC in this thing, I was having issues with it and now it seems to have completely failed. I haven't looked into any of it yet, so I don't know if it's the blower that died or what. I do like the idea of removing a bunch of potential leak points for coolant or...
  9. drdave81

    06 Silverado Crew Cab Build

    Going to swap the old leaky NP149 out tomorrow with the one I picked up. Kind of excited, I get to try out one of those "rent a hoist" places. It's like $50/hr, which doesn't seem too terrible, considering they have all the tools, etc that you'd need. I so badly miss having access to a hoist...
  10. drdave81

    closed thread

    You're going to have to take it to shops and get quotes. You'll get costs anywhere from $2000 to $20,000 on here. Color change will cost more, do you want the door jambs, underhood done, etc? Is there any damage or rust that needs to be fixed? We couldn't even begin to give you a ballpark...
  11. drdave81

    Need help troubleshooting

    The broken part in the pic is not at all related to why your vehicle won't move. The sway bar link is for nothing more than vehicle sway, side to side, like while cornering. You could likely have snapped your sway bar link while you were sliding around in the rain. It's at the incorrect angle...
  12. drdave81

    Brake lines

    I know what it really means, to me it always seemed like prebent would be before bending. The definition of "pre" is before or prior to. So before bending. Like preheating the oven, no you're heating the oven. Whatever, just dumb things I think of lol.
  13. drdave81

    Will it fit

    Front or rear differential? The front axle tube on the right side is different for the AWD than the 4x4. Rear axle may have different brake setup, so that may have to be swapped over. There is a lot more info we need here before we can really help answer anything. Where is this donor vehicle...
  14. drdave81

    Service stability message

    Any time you get a message or a dash light come up, you need to scan for codes. No one can tell you what's wrong with anything until you read codes. You need a code reader that can read all modules on a vehicle for anything related to this system. The cheap code readers, and most parts...
  15. drdave81

    Brake lines

    If you get a prebent brake line, it's a straight brake line then, isn't it? lol

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