Eman85's latest activity

  • E
    Eman85 replied to the thread 1995 Yukon High Idle.
    Is it a Vortec motor? Have you checked for any codes? Did you clean the throttle body and mass airflow sensor and check the air filter...
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    Eman85 replied to the thread I need shoes!!!.
    Just my experience, your results may vary. I have been buying mine and my family's tires at Walmart. They offer road hazard warranty...
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    Eman85 replied to the thread 1995 Yukon High Idle.
    Let's all get on the same page here. Is this a 95 with a Vortec 350?? You said you had a high idle now you're talking about low idle.
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    Eman85 replied to the thread Bogging down when accelerated.
    Check engine light on? Scanned for any codes? Checked fuel pressure? Engine and fuel system been changed at all?
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    Eman85 replied to the thread 99 GMC Yukon no heat **SOLVED.
    Are the heater hoses both hot? Does the temperature door actuator move when you rotate the temperature control knob?
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    Eman85 replied to the thread 96 Tahoe LT drifting right.
    He said, she said so all we can do is make some suggestions with not seeing or checking the vehicle. 29yo vehicle everything has wear...
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    And the future issue would be??? The only issue would be you would need to replace them when they wear out and make noise or have...
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    Eman85 replied to the thread 1995 Yukon High Idle.
    95, is it a Vortec engine? If TBI then it's most likely the throttle body gasket. If you have a scan tool check IAC and see if it's...
  • E
    No spark? No fuel? No check for spark and fuel? Clean your battery cables, charge and or replace battery if still no start check for...

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