Anyone here knows which drop spindles give you a true 2" drop?
*EDIT: Never mind, just read that the various springs GM has accounts for the discrepancies
After doing some reading it seems I might go with a quality strut/shock such as Bilstein or OEM to have a nice smooth OEM ride and switch to a drop spindle to keep the lowered height and keep the Belltech rear hangers.
Anyone that’s running Belltech struts has had any issues with the bushings wearing out prematurely? I just made 2 years in December with them, normal daily driving living in south Florida and my bushings looks like they’re 20 years old! I’m also getting your typical clunking noise.
Hey guys, what’s up. I plan on doing the delete myself and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions about changing any major components while I’m in there and I have the engine torn apart? It has 140k
Depends on how mechanically inclined you are. Just in parts you're looking at $1-$2k. But this would be kinda of a worst case scenario. It gets rid of your AFM system. But like doubeleive said, sounds like you need a better diagnostic
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