Recent content by TommT

  1. T

    cigarette lighter receptacle Hack! With Picture

    Does this turn off your Door Lock Relay?
  2. T

    Rear view Camera on 1997 Barn Door Tahoe

    Thanks for the sage advice. The Velcro mount to left door glass sounds good. will give it a try.
  3. T

    Rear view Camera on 1997 Barn Door Tahoe

    The unit has on rear facing camera, and a mirror that has a front mounted camera. The mirror fits over the original mirror. It is hard wired, with one lead to the reverse tail light and power also from the cigarette lighter. It was made in China. I tow a boat with this vehicle, so would like...
  4. T

    Rear view Camera on 1997 Barn Door Tahoe

    I ordered a rear view camera with mirror and front camera. I am having trouble finding a good spot for the rear view camera. The Tahoe has the Barn Door type doors. There is not much room around the license plate. Where would you suggest putting the camera?

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