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  1. J

    Oil Pressure Sensor Rerouting

    engine oil will transfer heat. it's going to get hot forsure. that said, he said he used hose from a grease gun. if it's a decent quality gun, the house should be braided steel, basically hydraulic hose.. heat and pressure shouldn't be an issue. if you're worried about it, they sell kits...
  2. J

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    looks like hptuners scanner
  3. J

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    growing up in Florida I didn't know how good we had it since cops checking for cats was always a thread they yelled at us. but after moving and having to do emissions, it's annoying haha. tx hypes itself up a lot which makes it even more annoying I gotta deal with it here. Cali emissions would...
  4. J

    Oil Pressure Sensor Rerouting

    they sell relocation kits too. probably cost more than diy thou.
  5. J

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    I have toe plates that also do camber. but honestly find it eaiser to setup string between 4 jack stands. I find toe plates not every repeatable when you're playing at an 1/8in range and they don't fit well with my turn plates. so oddly I use my toe plates for camber haha.
  6. J

    Need help 2010 Tahoe TCM programming?

    I used the OBDxpro GT. 140$ dongle. I newer laptop rust can access gm acdelco website for the software. it's pretty picky about pc specs. my older laptop I use for hptuners wouldn't do it. and then it's 40$ per vin number for 2 years of access to the updates. or you can try towing it to a...
  7. J

    $18K Repair on 2010 Burb? Yup, it made sense.

    it does sound like a lot. if he spent some time here it could have saved him a lot. probably just needed a afm delete cam swap and a upgraded torque converter to get what he wanted
  8. J

    Yukon Denali issue

    this has been posted around a few times. but it might help. if you get any good codes from it. this will give you can idea about what was needed to set those codes.
  9. J

    Yukon Denali issue

    anyone know why the board stopped sending me notifications a few months ago? gotta be a setting or something right?
  10. J

    Yukon Denali issue

    wow. this one is a mess. so so many things this can be, and it all doesn't really sound related to me. you really need a tech 2 for these trucks. the big thing is the freeze frame data. when they set a code, they capture a snap shot of everything happening at that time. if you have a...
  11. J

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    finally got around to checking alignment after seeing feathering on the outside of my front tires. almost a half inch of total toe in. blah but luckily the tie rod adjusters broke free pretty easily. set it I just a touch negative and let it ride. camber looks like -0.25 drivers and 0 on...
  12. J

    '07 6.0L safe max coolant tempurature while towing

    255 would definitely worry me.. I can only guess what the tranny temp was at that point. 230 I think I'd be OK with. anyone remember the temp gm starts shutting down the ac and stuff? was it 260?
  13. J

    p1153 even with 2 OEM o2 sensors

    yeah adding 10% fuel to bank one seems a bit high. usually that's closer to +/-5. not that that helps you much. but yeah, maybe it doesn't like the split. if you swap sensors be interesting to see what it does. I believe you can add pids to car scanner app if you can find your injector ms...
  14. J

    Wix filter part numbers.

    I've had both open, the xp is definitely a very different looking media from my untrained eye. but I only say that because digging around on wix site. some filters will list the micron they filter too. the standard media was always listed as lower than the xp version. while having the xp apart...
  15. J

    p1153 even with 2 OEM o2 sensors

    any chance you have an aftermarket airbox of some sort?
  16. J

    Wix filter part numbers. have a good cross reference by all the sizes and thread. if you wanna take a look for yourself. I used to run WIX 57502XP 22PSI 4.09 inches Synthetic 10-12GPM 22x1.5MM but after way to much reading about filters, it seems the xp being their racing line, it trades off high flow for...
  17. J

    Not starting.

    that's wild.. I would love to know what killed the bcm. the new one probably needs flashed to the car. few different ways to do it.
  18. J

    2013 Yukon Denali Hybrid AFM Delete won't pass emissions

    dude it's a hybrid, this is a hybrid sub forum. literally none of that can be tuned. hptuners has a small hand full of things defined for the 67A ecm. you can't even adjust Maf fueling vs Hz. which is the the very base of any fuel tuning. you can change the PE target fueling but it's a hybrid...
  19. J

    2013 Yukon Denali Hybrid AFM Delete won't pass emissions

    what exactly are you asking him? dude went to a shop and they changed one drop down box under afm. wrote that to the ecm and he drove away? I doubt he knows or cares what the tech's name was or what software he used. 99% chance it was hptuners.
  20. J

    Wireless cell phone charger for Tahoe.

    I seem to remember you could buy a console lid with it in it. but it was like 200$. I saw a youtube video of how to make one for about 15$
  21. J

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    sounds like compared to what they go thru ours was very laxed anyways. Just the annoyances of driving to the shop every year. and they left the cost in, so we are still paying for an inspection but not getting it lol. all I can do is shake my head. on top of it, because they got rid of...
  22. J

    OK, Bought a 07 with a couple problems today.

    good to see the price of those going down.
  23. J

    Rear end gone???

    usually what happens in other gm newer gm cars is they will apply the brakes to the one spinning wheel to keep you from just sitting there spinning one tire. of course this only works when it's on and running. not off in park. it's kinda a fake torque vectoring. the real stuff is when the...
  24. J

    Rear end gone???

    nah, nothing is broken. or it would have rolled away before you removed the front driveshaft. your truck is working as designed. nothing is broken. always set your parking brake on vehicles.
  25. J

    2013 Yukon Denali Hybrid AFM Delete won't pass emissions

    that's awesome. there's been a few people try putting non afm lifters on a afm cam and they seem to always have bad results. like missing and running badly. that's awesome that it worked for you. thanks for the update. now I have even more questions lol. I wonder if the hybrid cam being...

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