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  1. strutaeng

    Multiple parasitic draws

    Ok, so you know the EBCM is one of the culprits. I actually didn't know those caused parasitic battery drains...they usually just fail altogether. On your rap#1 draw, find a wiring diagram and see if there's anything else on that circuit that can be causing this. Check out website for...
  2. strutaeng

    Replacing Flexplate, what else is needed

    I replaced the transmission torque converter lock-up O ring and front main seal when I did the RMS on my 06 Suburban LQ4/4L80e. Just ensure torque converter is seated all the way in when reinstalling it.
  3. strutaeng

    My From Start to Finish 6.0L Build

    Quick Google search gave me this: 50 lbs vs 30 lbs for this guy. Probably depends on what size and manufacturer aftermarket you compare?
  4. strutaeng

    Greetings and Salutations from East Texas.

    Welcome from another fellow Texan! This is a very good forum and lots of knowledge sharing here. Very nice truck! What are your plans for it?
  5. strutaeng

    Motor Oil Brand vs Pressure?

    I can't imagine why it would be the oil brand. They are supposed to produce the oil to a specified viscosity. Are you using the same oil filter? But even if there is a 5 psi +/- difference, why would it matter? I wouldn't be concerned myself.
  6. strutaeng

    My From Start to Finish 6.0L Build

    Picture of little hands helping: Priceless!
  7. strutaeng

    What did you do to your NBS GMT800 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    Have you tried gently lifting the BJ stud (thread the nut so you don't mess up the threads) with a jack? You are essentially using the weight of the vehicle as an aid to break the tapered fit. Some tapping with a 5 lb engineer's hammer has broken it loose for me. But I've had the big 'old 15 lb...
  8. strutaeng

    strutaeng's 04 2500 4x4 project Suburban

    Thank you! Definitely a good learning curve to do automotive refinishing. But everyone has to start somewhere, right?
  9. strutaeng

    strutaeng's 04 2500 4x4 project Suburban

    I ordered the blue fluid. Should be here on Friday. I'll do the front differential next. I watched a video and it looks pretty easy. I've got a 14 bolt 10.5" 4.10/G80 I had bought to swap into my OBS, but I think I'm going to swap into this truck, since it's literally a direct swap. These 6.0...
  10. strutaeng

    Brake pads rotors

    No advice on what brand to replace with TBH. On my 99 Silverado I replaced the fronts with dealership at like 120k, then the second set at 255k. The second set I bought at AAP and was like their premium whatever line. They work good, except they dust. Never had a problem with the OEM ones doing...
  11. strutaeng

    Report for my gmc

    You gotta give us more background here. What are the symptoms? Are there driveability concerns or issues? A lot of those codes are interior and likely won't even affect engine performance. I only see the knock sensor circuit as a possible issue.
  12. strutaeng

    Meter reading parasitic draw that is not pulling down the battery.

    Maybe that draw was before stuff like modules hadn't gone to "sleep"? Have you tried cranking the truck yet?
  13. strutaeng

    strutaeng's 04 2500 4x4 project Suburban

    Also, my Dad and brother were here to morning. My Dad's OBS truck had the fuel level sender go out so they needed my engine hoist to lift the bed. Anyways, I had them help me install the hood. The color looks like a pretty good match. The only thing is on one side the hood is bent a bit and I...
  14. strutaeng

    strutaeng's 04 2500 4x4 project Suburban

    Umm. When I bought the truck the owner's son told me it was stuck on 2Lo and that's how they had been driving it. I checked underneath and wiring harness to the transfer case motor was severed. I respliced everything but still nothing. Then I replaced the little reluctor wheel on the motor (I...
  15. strutaeng

    strutaeng's 04 2500 4x4 project Suburban

    I'll double check the RPO code on the glovebox, but I'm pretty these SUVs were only offered with that transfer case. It has the round pushbutton with "Auto."
  16. strutaeng

    strutaeng's 04 2500 4x4 project Suburban

    Got the other transmission pan reinstalled. I couldn't get the rearmost pan bolt: tried and tried and finally gave up. I removed the crossmember. I drilled some 'ol holes and cut some reliefs on the transmission mount. Hopefully next time I replace the transmission fluid this would be a bit...
  17. strutaeng

    Coolant temperature fluctuations normal??

    That's a little high reading. I can usually see the temperature needle move a bit, assuming it's the thermostat opening/closing. Like a tickmark +/-. Hook up a scanner that reads live data and see what's showing up on the ECU side vs. cluster.
  18. strutaeng

    Oil Pressure Sensor Rerouting

    Looks good. Is the hose rated for the high temperature of the oil? Once when I was trying to diagnose low oil pressure on my 4.3 Silverado, I hooked up a pressure gauge, which concluded that I did have oil pressure. I don't remember what happened but I shut the hood and forgot about (probably...
  19. strutaeng

    New 07 Burb Member Houston

    Welcome neighbor... Great introduction and thanks for giving the history on the vehicle. It's always good to hear these stories :)
  20. strutaeng

    '07 6.0L safe max coolant tempurature while towing

    Ditto on checking your radiator. This is what the radiator looked like on 99 Silverado truck when I swapped the engine. The radiator was okay, but I replaced it only get the wider version. Truck had 260k and the radiator was original. A pressure wash at minimum is something I would have done to...
  21. strutaeng

    Oil cluster at 70Psi

    Probably the sender. When it failed on my 06 Suburban, mine just pegged out to max whenever I turned the key to on, before even starting the truck. You can hook up a mechanical pressure gauge and tape the dial on your windshield and go for a drive to see what the actual pressures are, then...
  22. strutaeng

    TPMS Wackiness: Had A Flat, Didn't Indicate it; Tire Is At Shop, Still Shows Pressure. What Gives?

    Sounds like a dead or faulty sensor? If you have one of those handheld sensor reprogrammer tools, you can go around each tire and check the status of each sensor.
  23. strutaeng

    strutaeng's 04 2500 4x4 project Suburban

    Well Saturday my oldest daughter had a championship M.S. varsity volleyball game. Unfortunately, they lost. Got home and they had 50% chance of rain, so all I did was wash and held off masking. I did an engine oil change instead. The drain bolt was super clean. Of course, it didn't rain on...
  24. strutaeng

    My From Start to Finish 6.0L Build

    I've looked the ICON brand at HF but haven't bought any. They do look like quality tools though. For this flex head ratchet, I wanted the one with the detents. I have the HF 1/4" flex head ratchet it bugs me that often the head moves on you while you are trying to reach a bolt. In addition, the...
  25. strutaeng

    My From Start to Finish 6.0L Build

    You don't have a longer ratchet? A few months ago I bought a 1/2 Gearwrench locking flex head ratchet and that thing is a friggin beast. I was used to using a 24" breaker bar, but ratchet is much more versatile. Air impact and/cordless impact are also nice to have handy and used as needed...

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