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  1. BourbonNcigars

    Wanting a PPV for the wrong reasons.

    My opinion: If you got a PPV Tahoe for any other reason than transportation (assuming your a complete and total civilian), you're an effing idiot. But I'm open to rebuttal so I can argue on the internet...
  2. BourbonNcigars

    SSV front shocks/struts?

    I've seen where the PPV front suspension is different in some way, which is making me unsure as to what I'm shopping around for with regards to my SSV. My question is, if I'm going to replace the front struts on my 4WD SSV (not PPV), should I be shopping/researching the same ones used in a...
  3. BourbonNcigars

    Anyone get their PPV or SSV carpeted?

    My SSV has carpet, but not in the cargo area so I have a lot of road noise as well. "Noise" being subjective coming from a lifted jeep with 35" tires. The Tahoe is still much more quiet than it was that's for sure. I'll pull everything up and insulate in some way.
  4. BourbonNcigars

    Help with 2009 PPV Harsh Ride

    Since you just got it, make sure the tire pressure isn't too high. That seems to be a common thing with dealers.
  5. BourbonNcigars

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    ^ I dismantled the DIY table top I made to store my Jeep hardtop on so I can park in the garage now. Granted, that won't help away from home...
  6. BourbonNcigars

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    Traded in a Wrangler on a 2010 Tahoe last week. Brought it home and detailed it, only for some degenerate to break into it via the driver's side window last night. Today I cleaned broken glass out of it and made phone calls to arrange getting it repaired. Not the best way to start out with it.

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