Last weekend got the back brakes swapped out, pads, rotors, and parking brake shoes. Idk why I didn’t take pics though. Besides how low my front end looked haha. Then after messing with @05Single a little bit telling him I bagged it I sent the 2nd pic that it was just jacked up. :p
work has...
sorry didn’t see this comment before. They are rear captains out of a 07 tahoe. Bolt right up. I put charcoal cloth seat
Covers over them to match the fronts. They are black leather.
This is the only pic I have of them up
I like to think it sounds alright lol. It’s kinda loud at least
Yeah that’s when I always get update messages from you hahaha
It really is nice plus I’m a night owl so I don’t mind.
I have landscapers at my place anyways so I don’t have to get bags of mulch lol. Groceries still fit behind the...
Came back Friday evening and got it finished. Still need to figure out something to put under the bundle of power runs going to the amp + tidy up wiring some more. Basically a flat bar or something to hold them all level to each other once tied together. But I’m happy with it. So far no amps...
Took last Friday off of work since I already had 42 hours in and really didn’t want to spend the whole weekend working on getting that amp in. after a quick nap Thursday I got to the shop around 930 and got started. I’m weird and like working on shit at night haha.
Started off pulling The two...
probably a team ferrite if it weighs that much lol. Had one of those in the garage here before. Too fucking heavy :shakehead:
Yeah that’s true. I love her but she is a pain in my ass hahah
I have a lithium battery in the back that runs everything.
Small update.
After seeing how nasty my intake was I decided before it gets that way again I was gonna try to prevent it so my catch can came today in the mail. Went with a cheap amazon one. After some research it seemed that most people even some turbo guys were either using cheap eBay/amazon...
My lady got me some new oem wiper arms cause and I quote, “mine were chipping, rusty, and gross.” Love having a car enthusiast girl lol.
When I originally cleaned everything up audio wise I ran out of green heat shrink so my power runs on the alt always had black and it’s dumb but it always...
So I got it from a guy who originally bought it for a work van not realizing he needed a 99-02 wheel. I’m sure it probably did come out of a work truck or base model Tahoe or van etc.
yeah compared to back in the day it’s definitely cheaper dollar per watt for stuff but now people are running...
thank you that means a lot! I still want that engine bay cleaner than it is right now though haha. And I left the foam on the intake manifold. It was surprising to me that none of that had every been removed before I owned it. Hopefully I can get another 200k out of this engine it runs really...
I did put rtv under the boots like around the edge of them. But I didn’t want a fuck ton of silicone gooped up around them so I didn’t go extreme with it hahaha.
Alrighty problems should be solved now, easy sailing.....HAHAHAHAHAHAH
intake went back on okay for the most part, got all the bolts started, then went to grab my in-lbs torque wrench. I completely forgot that the one I have only goes as low as 100 in-lbs. If you have done these proper...
I really thought this was gonna go differently than it did. I mean knock sensors aren’t that much to deal with right?!
Apparently I was wrong hahah. now to explain.....
Everything started out okay at first. no problems disconnecting anything(besides the c clip on the stupid CC connector to...
Battery delete under the hood is done. Used a 1/2” piece of plastic for it. Basically like cutting board material. Simple and easy plus made room for my hid ballasts and demon eye controller.
Finally got a new window wash reservoir but not the most excited on where it’s at. It works for now...
I know the dual stage bags won’t work for sure. Supposedly the 3500 or van airbags are single stage like the 99-02 are. I guess I’ll find out. Thinking it won’t be a simple install but We shall see. Gotta go get a 03-06 column now
Little of a update for this weekend!
Driving home last night and my CEL came on. Checked in on the scan gauge...p0327.....:(
Hoping I might have gotten lucky that my knock sensors weren’t going out I cleared it and when I drove it today it was cutting out WOT and code keeps coming back...
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