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  1. iwaslowr

    --- Photos: SPOTTER'S THREAD (post up all years/models) ---

    Proactive solution for parking spot hogs... :)
  2. iwaslowr

    What to look at next

    Congrats and welcome to the forum! :cheers: If it were me I'd replace the spark plugs, plug wires, perform injector cleaning, and replace all fluids(coolant, transmission/filter, differential). And maybe the oxygen sensors as well. :Handshake:
  3. iwaslowr

    Another new guy from Texas

    Congrats, and Welcome to the forum from Austin!! :cheers:
  4. iwaslowr

    Demolding? with help from mother nature??

    I've always been able to remove mine without a heatgun.
  5. iwaslowr

    New guy from sunny Florida

    Congrats and welcome! :cheers:
  6. iwaslowr

    New guy from Bama

    Congrats and welcome to the forum! :cheers:
  7. iwaslowr

    Cleaning out my closet...

    Those handles are going to go quick at that price! GLWS!!
  8. iwaslowr

    Barracuda video in motion inteface for 07-current models

    Her profile shows she hasn't logged on since January 2011, not sure if a phone call or direct e-mail may be an easier way to establish contact...
  9. iwaslowr

    keyed hot wire

    There are typically un-used switched power source slots in the fuse boxes(both under dash and under hood if I'm not mistaken). My first step would be to use a tester light to determine which are hot when the ingition is on. This would provide me with a dedicated source, and none of the other...
  10. iwaslowr

    Blame TYF.

    This is true, and modding is a neverending vicious cycle. Welcome to our world! :cheers:
  11. iwaslowr

    Has anyone done this modification?

    I'd say .5" at best. And it seems that the tailpipes could be routed/spaced further away from the spare if those 45° bends began just behind the rear axle instead of the midway point of the spare tire.
  12. iwaslowr

    6 inch lowering springs

    Before and after pics if possible??
  13. iwaslowr

    24's or 26's on college budget?

  14. iwaslowr

    How can i lower the brightness on the back up camera?

    I've noticed this as well and end up dimming the dash lighting when needed. Some aftermarket head units might have the ability to auto adjust brightness in accordance with fluctuation of interior lighting.
  15. iwaslowr

    Belltech 2" rear drop/level for autoride trucks

    Bell Tech offers spacers however adding one to this kit will effectively increase the spring height by 1" and the amount of drop would be reduced to only 1" instead of 2".
  16. iwaslowr

    Good times in the Bahamas.. (pic Heavy)

    I want to go on another cruise... Nice pics John! 14th!? :shocked: All through Carnival? VIP treatment after the 10th right?
  17. iwaslowr

    BB Tune Mods?

    It is interesting that you say this and I couldn't disagree more because my firsthand experience has demonstrated nothing but the contrary. The difference felt with my handheld Predator tune was nowhere near as impressive as Justin's in-person service. He works MAGIC with his tuning abilities...
  18. iwaslowr

    Window Tint...

    Please let us know how it turns out. I considered tinting the sunroof but chose not to when warned about possible cracking. I'd assume how dark the layer of tint applied could be a factor...
  19. iwaslowr

    New from TX

    Alot of new Texas members lately. Congrats and welcome from Austin! :cheers:
  20. iwaslowr

    Window Tint...

    $300.00 total. The windshield is tinted with ceramic film.
  21. iwaslowr

    please help me try to figure out whats wrong with my truck

    Sounds like a blown fuse, check all slots in both fuse blocks. What year is your truck?
  22. iwaslowr

    Window Tint...

    My windshield's layer of 50% alone was $100.00...
  23. iwaslowr

    BB tune.

    The BB tune will be customized to your prefences and optimized based on your modifications (so it is best to have all mods in place prior to the tune if possible). There are many configurations which can be manipulated however Justin will focus on the more important one's, specifically those...
  24. iwaslowr

    Shout out
  25. iwaslowr

    Rubbing on new 24s??

    x2. Can you post an up close wheel pic??