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  1. jeffyrc

    One happy customer, Thanks Travieso.

    Ok so here is the story. I lowered my Tahoe with a 2/3 drop. I learned about helper bags and how they can help while towing something. I plan on getting a boat so naturaly I wanted to install a pair. I was on the forums one day and noticed that Travieso was selling a brand new pair of helper...
  2. jeffyrc

    Any Interest in a Mid-Atlantic Meet?

    I'm still in. Also trying to get one going on down here in North Carolina but thats a different thread.
  3. jeffyrc

    How To: Hidden Antenna Mod

    Sweet write up. Consider it done. Thanks man.
  4. jeffyrc

    New Mirrors. HD tow Mirrors

    Ahh. I see what you men. So how does one accomplish said leveling?
  5. jeffyrc

    New Mirrors. HD tow Mirrors

    What do you mean by leveled?
  6. jeffyrc

    Secondary battery tray

    +1 for an 05 tahoe.
  7. jeffyrc

    Any Interest in a Mid-Atlantic Meet?

    Yeah I'm not that good lookin either. I'm down though. Let's get something together.
  8. jeffyrc

    Any Interest in a Mid-Atlantic Meet?

    I could do that. It would have to be On a weekend preferably a saturday. You think we could get a big turnout?
  9. jeffyrc

    Any Interest in a Mid-Atlantic Meet?

    I'm in north Carolina. Maybe something this way and I'm down. I'm willing to drive a bit but not to far.
  10. jeffyrc

    MAF sensor

    What is this sea foam treatment you guys are talking about???
  11. jeffyrc

    Fender Flares or not?

    I would go color matched. Much better look IMO. But the black one's don't look to bad on a lifted hoe. What kind of look are going for?
  12. jeffyrc


    Would radio shack have the stuff I need? Scotty thanks alot for all your input. Going to do this as soon as I get my truck back. Boy I can't wait, got alot of stuff lined up.
  13. jeffyrc


    Nice. Instructions make it sound easy. I'm used to messing rc cars so!!! I do have one ? Do I run the jumper wire from terminal 30 to 85 or 86?
  14. jeffyrc


    Do you have any pics of the setup without compromising anything. Maybe you can PM me with a little more details. I have the stock alarm from Chevy.
  15. jeffyrc


    What's up guys. This is my FIRST thread. I'm sure you've seen me around asking ? After ?. I just want to say that everyone on here is awesome (aside from the fact that you own a GM/Chevy) allways willing to help out, offer their opinion and very knowledgeable. With that being said, this thread...
  16. jeffyrc

    Escalade roof rack

    Would you be willing to do a pick if close by?
  17. jeffyrc

    Escalade roof rack

    Rack still for sale?
  18. jeffyrc

    DEPOs came in today

    I like. That looks really clean. Much better then stock.
  19. jeffyrc

    L.E.D. Bulb Conversion/Cross Reference List

    Great write up. IM SOLD. god I love this dam website. I think I'm addicted.
  20. jeffyrc

    New Mirrors. HD tow Mirrors

    Thinking about picking up a set and swapping them out when I tow. A very practical MOD witch makes it very easy for me to justify the purchase. Maybe I can be the first one with them on a lowered HOE. I don't know we'll see.
  21. jeffyrc

    Tune, Intake Or Exhaust for Increased MPG?

    If you could afford it I would opt to do all 3. Deffinently worth it. You will be happy in the end.
  22. jeffyrc

    --- Photos: SPOTTER'S THREAD (post up all years/models) ---

    Nice. White on white, that's different. I bet it looked sexy. Stray away form the black on black.
  23. jeffyrc

    03+ Silverado Front Clip on the Tahoe

    Dam those pics are sik. Really sexy!! How much would a setup like run? Full HD clip and hood.
  24. jeffyrc

    --- Photos: SPOTTER'S THREAD (post up all years/models) ---

    I love the THREAD idea. Seen some pretty nice rides out there never thought to take a pic. Now I have a reason. Expect some soon.