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  1. BOSS

    Check out this nbs

    Odd B
  2. BOSS

    Shop talk FAIL

    Funny stuff B
  3. BOSS

    Coolant Temperature Guage Not Woking

    Sounds wacky, you replaced the coolant temp sensor that is on the driver side of the engine block next to #1 spark plug?
  4. BOSS

    can i use LCA and Spindles together

    Belltech 5305 coils! They give you damn near 5in drop in the rear, and are true progressive rate spring. I towed several cars since installing them, and no issues whatsoever. Plus they ride like stock. B
  5. BOSS

    Taking moldings off of my 03 Z71

    pics are always best for answers :waytogo: B
  6. BOSS

    What octane for BB tune?

    my wiki post was a little sarcastic, but the info suggests that octane calculations for the E85 are erroneous.. B
  7. BOSS

    What octane for BB tune?

    Run whichever gas you plan on tuning for. B
  8. BOSS

    Going to be gone for a while

    Best of luck bro :) B
  9. BOSS

    p0300 pissing me off

    You can unbolt the cats out of the flow at the exhaust manifold. That way you can push some air through them and have someone see if air passes easily through them. Alot of guys use grass blowers or compressed air. Did you try the seafoam yet? I just did mine for the 4th time through the PCV...
  10. BOSS

    Taking moldings off of my 03 Z71

    Those (if they are hard plastic) are pretty easy to take out, and hold up the plastic inner fender pieces. To remove them, take a small flat head and pop the center out. Then take a bigger flat head to the whole thing and it will come out. B
  11. BOSS

    What octane for BB tune?

    I would go for the 93 octane gas, and ask for the 93octane tune. It costs more at the pump, but will give you better overall gas mileage. E85 I just read this on wiki, so it MUST be true:
  12. BOSS

    Shop talk FAIL

    :waytogo: I went full synthetic this time B
  13. BOSS

    p0300 pissing me off

    So I'm assuming you unbolted the cats and tested the air flow? B
  14. BOSS

    Shop talk FAIL

    I asked him to re-fill my blinker fluid. B
  15. BOSS

    Thanks to all

    Its a good thing :) BOSS
  16. BOSS

    Somebody buy this so I dont have to...

    Tim call him, let me know I'll pick it up for u B
  17. BOSS

    Shop talk FAIL

    Pulled a shop. Guy asked to see under the hood. Guy: "You changed the intake eh?" (BOSS taps his hand on the K&N intake tube) Boss: "Yup" (Guy points down to my LT header) Guy: "No the intake" Boss: (stunned) "Uh hmm. Yup." I know we all had to start somewhere...
  18. BOSS

    Where to get a muffler installed in Dallas?

    Are we talking about the same guy? The shop guy who does all the welding is Santos? (Santos the magician lol) B

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