Search results

  1. TerryKing

    Has anybody found a decent portable compressor/inflator?

    I have 6 or 8 of these: My car, wife's, kids, grandchildren. All have been great for 5+ years. LIKE that they screw on and stay on until you unscrew. One granddaughter told me, "Hey Grandpa, I finally fixed...
  2. TerryKing

    Vermont Winter Coming: Help my 2012 Tahoe Body!

    Thanks, Everyone.. I'll keep on keeping on with the 2012. I have hit all the body rust: POR15 out of sight like inside hood, POR + primer/paint in a few others, Epoxy rebuild of left rear wheel well arc, PORinside, Wheel well reinstalled. Used white Headed screws to secure the plastic...
  3. TerryKing

    Vermont Winter Coming: Help my 2012 Tahoe Body!

    Hi Charlie, Today Mary Alice power sanded some flat rust areas, while I sandblasted the front hood inside rim. I took left rear inner fender plastic liner off, and power wirebrushed the edge and some inner sections. Need to epoxy one small section rusted out. Then need to sandblast and...
  4. TerryKing

    Vermont Winter Coming: Help my 2012 Tahoe Body!

    MikeZ. Thanks.. Looking over all that... T
  5. TerryKing

    Vermont Winter Coming: Help my 2012 Tahoe Body!

    Hi Everyone, A few leaves turning color, and BodyWork weather will last for a while. Walkaround of our Tahoe thats very good mechanically shows Trouble. I need you advice on 2024 tech that can deal with this. It will be me not a real bodyshop. I have done some bodywork / painting. I have...
  6. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe rear lower fender loose from upper body

    Hi Everyone, OK Photos here.. Anyone else dealt with this?? Existing push-in shapes and internal black plastic strip do not hold. I understand the inner liner and have hardware for that.. Thanks!
  7. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe rear lower fender loose from upper body

    I'll get pix. 2012 simple trim, was Govt. vehicle. There's a single piece of plastic from both wheelwells including rear bumper cover.. This was supposed to "click" into another black plastic part connected to the steel body. The tabs and etc. are worn/broken.. Some have used 3M adhesive. I...
  8. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe rear lower fender loose from upper body

    Hi Everyone, My Tahoe has both lower rear fender sections loose and coming away from upper fender. Push back in and stays 1 or 2 days... What's a good repair for this??? Regards, Terry King ...In The Woods In Vermont The one who dies with the most Parts LOSES! WHAT DO YOU NEED??
  9. TerryKing

    2011 Denali, no crank, has power, new starter - SOLVED

    Do you have any corrosion on the underhood fuse block?? Maybe you're in Utah but here in Vermont I had a fuse almost corroded away. Fuses have two small test holes on top and you can probe with a meter without removing fuse. Test all the starter related fuses??
  10. TerryKing

    Heater hose Tee connections

    Hi Everyone, OK Now I understand better. Mine blew this morning on a short run. Phew. Hose broke at firewall, looks just like the photo 3 posts up. PLEASE point to overall How-To for replacing these hoses and the funny connectors! I'm worried I d not undersand the connectors. Thanks...
  11. TerryKing

    You Run A Mobil 1 Oil Filter?

    I went to the M1 212A because at -20F startup the oil pressure came up so slowly the "Shut Engine Down" error came on. The M1 was recommended somewhere for that specific cold weather situation. It Worked For Me: much fast cold oil pressure rise. 240000 miles now and running smooth 5.3L...
  12. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    OK, AllGood!! and here's the final WhatIDid: Got used 'good' fuse block assembly. Disconnected battery negative. - Used "Deoxit" ( on most all connections: - On the bench: Removed, cleaned and re-inserted every small fuse and relay on the used...
  13. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    @Fless, I ran this for 10 min or more and felt the top of those nails. Not hot at all as I felt it. I measured the voltage between the two tops and it was .018V (18 millivolts) and I assume that was mostly from the resistance of the fuse/holder. I was able to ziptie the fuseholder a bit...
  14. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    OK Here's the UGLY BUT RUNS for now. THANKS to everyone who helped with this. It's an amazing Forum of Friends... AND Thanks for the parts pointers; I have found a VIN matching fuse panel within 50 miles. THAT will be the actual solution. BUT In The Meantime: The UGLY connection with soldered...
  15. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    WOW.. More Stuff I Never Knew! @Doubeleive Do I understand this right?? So, the entire top panel section with all the relays and fuses PLUGS IN to a series of connectors that come from different sections of the engine and body?? So are the fuse sockets and relay sockets part of the...
  16. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    Wow do I HAVE to quote myself?? Sigh... MAIN GOOD NEWS and a large WHAT TO DO??? Tried to extricate the broken fuse pins with several tools/probes etc. No luck. I was worried about breaking the pin stubs off altogether. So I 'connected' a clip lead between the two points. Seat belt on, Key...
  17. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    @Fless THANKS! I didn't ever notice those test points. Makes a lot of sense. Putting my head-mount magnifier on 82 year old eyes, I see those! --- LEARNING --- Regards Terry (Back after another priority job...)
  18. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    FOUND Something: Going over the Fuel System Control Module tests in the link @Fless sent, before dropping the Spare Tire, AND: So I tried to lift fuse #21 a little so I could probe it. Seems stuck. Use needle-nose pliers.. stuck. Rock it a little and it came apart!!! I have the top half of...
  19. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    THANKS FLESS and WES! OK I will be on it again in the morning... I need to get the spare tire down and then move truck out and open my pit and move it back. THEN I can get at all that... Wow.. This'd Almost Be Fun in the Summertime.... Regards, Terry
  20. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    Thanks everyone for info.... Late but I'll get out there in the morning... LOCATION?? For the Control Module?? Have to lower the spare tire and it above spare location on bottom of body?? Is this the same item?? Supposed to be for my VIN...
  21. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    CURIOUSER and CURIOUSER: No FuelPump Relay OR Fuse in main electrical box... FIRST: NO FUEL PRESSURE at key-on or Crank. DID hammer fueltank. But I have the actual photo of the layout of the main electrical box: There is NOTHING in the FuelPump Relay position and NOTHING in Fuse position 20...
  22. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    I don't have access to a Tech-2 but I have a 'decent' OBII scanner and will check that first tomorrow. WHAT could be a "Security Issue"?? Sorry, no idea... Thanks! Terry
  23. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    Hi Again, OK borrowed a fuel pressure gauge from Oreillys. Quick look 2 mins ago: I do not see a fuel test port at rear of the "Vortec" plastic top cover on passengers side, like some online view showed. And I hate to say I have never taken the top plastic cover OFF.. :-( Does it just come...
  24. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    Hi and Thanks!! Fuel Pressure: How to test / What I need?; will be by O'reilly's soon.. I have done the rubber mallet on the tank but will repeat that. Is the pump fore or aft of that long tank?? Isthere a specific fuse to test?? Thanks Guys!! T
  25. TerryKing

    2012 Tahoe 5.3 Shut down 3 months. Will not start. Help? Ideas? FIXED!

    Hi Everyone, My 2012 Tahoe has run very well for years. Winter starts were OK. I had to leave it for 3 months to travel to Middle East. I added Stabil, fresh gas before shutdown. Ran battery maintainer. It 'rested' 3 months in my barn in Vermont. No Start. If cycling key on and off after...