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  1. blkonblk

    Sept '13 pics & info of the EsKONali

    For a second I thought your getting ready to sell it that's why you did this lolll,,, looks sick
  2. blkonblk

    New here with my new-to-me Tahoe

    Welcome - you will find almost everything you need here. Shows us some pics now
  3. blkonblk

    New 2015 Chevy Tahoe.

    got to try to get off work to go check this out. i'll see if i can snap some close up pics
  4. blkonblk

    blkonblk build thread

    Ben - sent you back the pm, let me know if you got it,,my phone is kind of f-up
  5. blkonblk

    New ATL

  6. blkonblk

    blkonblk build thread

    thanks guys - changes the whole front end look Ben still have them
  7. blkonblk

    2012 Navigation Unit

    Brian - it will be plug and play for your truck if your truck is bose. not sure about the aftermarket monitors
  8. blkonblk

    blkonblk build thread

    Jo - we deff have to reschedule,,,i need that freetravel bad. thanks Lee,,,love them
  9. blkonblk

    blkonblk build thread

    i bought these like this from a member here, they were made by bfc. s2ks are the best ( i see the difference) but love the quad look thanks Serge
  10. blkonblk

    blkonblk build thread

    yup,,just love the quad look :) plus mine needed realignment and i wasn't going through the whole process again
  11. blkonblk

    blkonblk build thread

    Just installed a few items Esci shifter Esci heated wood steering wheel - the heated element will be added in a few months because of this mod below Quad projector MH1 setup with switchbacks Projector fog lights
  12. blkonblk

    Another wheel theft thread...

    wow sorry to hear that man,,after all the work we put in our trucks, this just disappoints you. hope insurance makes it right
  13. blkonblk

    Hi guys newb from NY

  14. blkonblk

    blkonblk build thread

    thats good Ben - where is the fun if everyone had the same taste,,
  15. blkonblk

    blkonblk build thread

    i got a black on black for a reason lol,,not a big fan
  16. blkonblk

    2010 Galaxy/Black Escalade Build Thread

    congrats on your purchase,,,sick truck,,cant wait to see it build
  17. blkonblk


    thanks JLR i like the one that you did that i have now,,thanks again
  18. blkonblk

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    switched the usb from dash to middle console
  19. blkonblk

    VCIM Swap for Bluetooth Capability

    Yes bluetooth just like 2009+ nnbs.
  20. blkonblk

    NNBS Escalade Shift Lever

    going on ebay at the end of the day
  21. blkonblk

    NNBS Escalade Shift Lever

    to late i ordered the other one already :)
  22. blkonblk

    btuckz71's new look!!! sneek peak! teasers

    looking good,,keep up the good work
  23. blkonblk

    OEM Look Navigation

    yes you would need a harness to make it fit to your vehicle
  24. blkonblk

    VCIM Swap for Bluetooth Capability

    there are a few things that you have to do here. (this is what i did on my truck) 1. to have the option for remote link to work i bought a 2011+ vcim. 2. 2011+vcim has only two antenna connections in the back (prior ones had 3) so you have to buy a 'splitter',,,here is a link...

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