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  1. Jason in DLH

    Here’s a Good Reason To Get Those RPMs Up

    I hear you loud and clear!
  2. Jason in DLH

    Here’s a Good Reason To Get Those RPMs Up

    Funny enough, I thought about this while making the original post and I think this might just work! I bet they’ve never heard this one before thereby leaving them chuckling to themselves.
  3. Jason in DLH

    Here’s a Good Reason To Get Those RPMs Up

    I actually didn’t read the whole article...just skimmed it till I got to the part I wanted to reference as backup to my post. :)
  4. Jason in DLH

    07+ seat back removal

    Definitely nice to know!
  5. Jason in DLH

    Here’s a Good Reason To Get Those RPMs Up

    To keep the carbon deposits at a minimum. You all probably knew that. What you didn’t know is that I sometimes use this as a reason to beat the grandma next to me off the line at the stop light. :lol2: Here...scroll down towards the end of the article...
  6. Jason in DLH

    01 Yukon XL body roll too soft?

    X2 While I was under my 07 recently I noticed my body mounts are in bad shape and need replacing. Haven’t noticed any excessive roll though, but I don’t drive corners too fast either.
  7. Jason in DLH

    What did you do to your OBS GMT400 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    Awesome! Any problems with your amp breathing in there?
  8. Jason in DLH

    Leaking drivers side quarter glass on a Tahoe 2 door

    I’m just the window misaligned thereby letting water in? Or is the upper glass run damaged thereby letting water in? Or maybe a little of both?
  9. Jason in DLH

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    The axle shaft tube replacement is the first repair that I’ve needed to do something crazy like this to remove/install a bolt... Got the job done though!
  10. Jason in DLH

    What did you do to your NNBS GMT900 Tahoe/Yukon Today?

    Spent the last few nights replacing my front passenger axle shaft tube that cracked. Before: After: New bearing: New Seal: Everything is torqued, threadlocked, lubed, I just hope I remember to add diff oil before I drive it! Knowing me...this is something I will forget to do...
  11. Jason in DLH

    Interesting tidbit I learned about our VIN

    Briefly looked into that and looks great! Will definitely divulge more time researching that as I’m ready to move on from Haynes.
  12. Jason in DLH

    Help me with wheels!

    I found it easier to rest the tape measure on the axle housing while taking the picture with my other hand. ;)
  13. Jason in DLH

    Help me with wheels!

    I’m running American Racing AR901 17” x 9”? et24 and still have 1/2” till it hits the brake caliper.
  14. Jason in DLH

    Interesting tidbit I learned about our VIN

    Yeah...I was just looking into it more closely and found that it’s not a good table. Will definitely not be using it. ;)
  15. Jason in DLH

    FYI: General Torque Specs Per Bolt Size

    Yeah...that previous little table in the original post seems way off now that I’m looking into it more. Example: Upper Strut Bolts are 17mm and are specified at 37Ft-lbs. The table shows that it should be greater than 140 Ft-lbs. The Haynes manual does say to follow the torque specs in the...
  16. Jason in DLH

    Interesting tidbit I learned about our VIN

    Haynes must have forgotten to include that. Here’s directly from the page...
  17. Jason in DLH

    FYI: General Torque Specs Per Bolt Size’re right. I’ll probably just pay the couple bucks as well.
  18. Jason in DLH

    FYI: General Torque Specs Per Bolt Size

    Took a quick look at that and downloaded it immediately! I think it’s great it has lubricated torque specs as I’m always wondering about this.
  19. Jason in DLH

    FYI: General Torque Specs Per Bolt Size

    That just came out of my Haynes repair manual. I’ll have to edit my post. ;)
  20. Jason in DLH

    Adding an aftermarket radio to 07-14 FAQ

    I simply connected the parking brake wire to a screw on the body of the Kenwood. Worked like a charm.
  21. Jason in DLH

    Scanners on a budget

    I enjoyed my $100 BlueDriver up until I realized it doesn’t read SRS (and ABS I believe). Went with a Innova 5510 for $250 and I’m happy again. Keep the BlueDriver in my wife’s truck. I’m unsure about functionality across your fleet with either of theses devices however.
  22. Jason in DLH

    Seat belt? who needs a seatbelt?

    Strangely enough my kiddo hasn’t done anything like this yet. Does seem inevitable though. I am expecting my wife’s grandmother to get all tangled in it as she always pulls the belt all the way out and accidentally engages the locking mechanism when she puts her belt on. I always let...
  23. Jason in DLH

    Seat belt? who needs a seatbelt?

    That’s a good one!
  24. Jason in DLH

    Interesting tidbit I learned about our VIN

    These codes only applies to 2007-2014 model years. Count in 8 from the left and that will give you the engine code. And 10th in is model year.

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