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  1. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Oh man, that stinks. Last year I had a 3 ton floor Jack delivered to some guy across town. Thankfully he was honest and gave me a call.
  2. Jason in DLH

    Raptor Lining Black Betty

    Matte! Interested to see the final product!
  3. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    I can’t you have the updated rocker cover? I’ll be interested to see how much oil you catch compared to my engine.
  4. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Good luck! I was only trying to help you come up with some ideas you may have overlooked. ;) I find by jacking the rear end up as high as possible (with really good tire blocks in the front of course) that it helps significantly getting at/working on the engine. I have a really bad...
  5. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Here’s the updated valve cover:,12570427,valve+cover,5772 I haven’t done much research on the deflector for the AFM because I don’t plan on doing that. Maybe someone will chime in for that... Glad to have you in the bandwagon! :)
  6. Jason in DLH

    Recommend a head unit?

    That’s good to know about the adapter and where the parking brake wire gets connected on these Pioneers. Thanks for the info!
  7. Jason in DLH

    Recommend a head unit?

    I wasn’t exactly sure what “accessing settings” and “mirroring” means either. I just took note of the....note...about that on Crutchfield’s website regarding the HU: If you scroll down to “other information”...
  8. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Gotchya! Well...regarding the new valve cover: if it’s not corrected it’s fine under “most” conditions (take my 140,000 mile 2007 Yukon for instance...I’ve been lucky). It can, however, end up resulting in cracked spark plugs and definitely will result in carbon build up which will result in...
  9. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Dang it...$1800!? Recently I changed my tranny fluid and filter, front and rear diff oil, transfer case fluid, brake calipers, pads and fluid, front diff oil again (cracked my axle tube and had to repair that), and engine oil and filter all for probably $500 and a couple nights here and there...
  10. Jason in DLH

    Recommend a head unit?

    Nice! I bet you’re excited to get going with AirPlay. Since you’re wiring it up yourself... mind as well connect the parking brake wire to a screw on the chassis of the Pioneer so you can access settings and mirror your phone to it, etc while on the go. This method worked on my Kenwood, but...
  11. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Here is the original TSB on the updated rocker cover and AFM oil deflector fix: It appears you have the old version cover. The L94 engine is listed in the TSB as is the 2007 Tahoe. You also have AFM, correct? Looks like you are in...
  12. Jason in DLH

    Custom work done on my 2K Limited

    Nice, That’ll look amazing! Pics when you’re done please! Unfortunately I can’t help you out with the quantity needed. Will you be going down the pillars with the deadener too?
  13. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    @Caligirl : I wanted to expand further on this earlier, but didn’t have time. Your probably asking how water is getting in there. It’s due to climate conditions and/or driving style. Something I learned from @iamdub on this very thread! Short trips allows for condensation to form, so make...
  14. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Water, oil, and fuel. Not sure the proportions though. From what I can tell from my first use of the catch can it looked mostly to be oil.
  15. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    I’m assuming that is the only way to correctly identify the different valve covers as well. I’ll be devoting quite a bit of research to see if I can figure this out before I go ahead and purchase the new, updated cover and will report back if I find an answer.
  16. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    After doing lots of recent research on this catch can business, I’ll be installing one in all vehicles I own from now on. It’s a great preventative maintenance device and piece of mind that oil isn’t being reintroduced into the intake manifold. In my opinion. ;)
  17. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    I believe most cans use filters in them that will work. I did check my JLT and it does have a filter on the outlet side which appears to be working well with the amount of crud I caught during only a 20 minute drive. Here’s a great video about the different types catch cans (with data showing...
  18. Jason in DLH

    Custom work done on my 2K Limited

    Oops..just realized you posted this 2 years ago. ;)
  19. Jason in DLH

    Custom work done on my 2K Limited

    Hi and welcome! Nothin’ but positivity around this forum. Even in the form of criticism. ;) That’s one wicked ride! Good job, man!
  20. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    It’s all making more sense now that I got some sleep. ;) Your right about the different P/N’s for the different years... 2007 - 2008: 12570427 2009 - 2011: 12642655
  21. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    while using all my mental power in trying to understand all of this (and reading another thread) I just realized I’ve been listening to the same song on repeat for the past half hour. :yaoface2:
  22. Jason in DLH

    Burken Boys’ and Girl’s Journey

    This is awesome! I can already sense some sibling rivalry to who can do a quicker/cleaner oil change. ;)
  23. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    I was just going to ask why the new design valve cover decreases oil consumption, but you beat me to it and makes total sense now!
  24. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    Agreed! I’ll be changing that once I dig into changing the Valley Pan Gasket. Probably sometime in the summer.

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