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  1. Jason in DLH

    Homemade Windshield Washer Fluid

    Even better yet!
  2. Jason in DLH

    Nearly 4 years later, my 2001 Team DC Audio build

    Dang. That’s crazy, yo! :hail:
  3. Jason in DLH

    Homemade Windshield Washer Fluid

    Here’s a recipe for washer fluid that you can make yourself that will save you a bit of money and will apparently help the environment a tad... -8 ounces 99% Isopropyl Alcohol (double this in freezing temps) -1 ounce liquid Castile soap -4 drops Blue food coloring (optional) -1 Gallon water...
  4. Jason in DLH

    2010 LTZ DVD does not read

    I don’t know about a fix, but you’ll want to get that Maestro iDataLink stuff to retain all the factory things (like your RSE) if you go with an aftermarket HU. The one on the left is to keep RSE.
  5. Jason in DLH

    Finally Jumped on the Oil Catch Can Bandwagon

    After learning of the catch can from all you great peeps, I finally got around installing mine. The Yukon already has 145,000 miles and it’s 14 years old. Better late than never, right? Next order of business...putting steel wool inside the can (thanks to @iamdub on a separate thread for...
  6. Jason in DLH

    AutoRide delete

    Here’s an article about a Full Throttle ride height sensor rod extension (I actually saw this awhile back, but simply forgot!)...
  7. Jason in DLH

    AutoRide delete

    Thats a good idea! I’ll check with them first.
  8. Jason in DLH

    AutoRide delete

    Spacers front and rear, and I never installed longer rods. I also didn’t mark where the sensors lie without the lift, so I believe it would be a guessing game at how long of rods I would need. I’ve thought about removing the lift, marking where the sensors are, and then installing the lift...
  9. Jason in DLH

    AutoRide delete

    Simple and cheap spacers. :rolleyes:
  10. Jason in DLH

    Lower control arm bolts 07suburban. Ltz

    And I thought I had a rusty truck! Just pulled mine off the other week and came out relatively easily with an impact wrench and lots of penetrating oil (soaked them a few times over a 2 day span prior to removing though). I did snap the stabilizer bar end link bolt and 2 of the stabilizer bar...
  11. Jason in DLH

    AutoRide delete didn’t work. :sad72: Started it up tonight for the second time and the code came back sadly. Oh well...will try it again maybe in a couple more weeks. ;)
  12. Jason in DLH

    Just Fishing's 09 Tahoe Build thread didn’t go with the 427?! Why in the world not?! :D
  13. Jason in DLH

    (Solved) Looking for Front, Center Jacking point 2015 Yukon Denali

    It seems to be the general consensus that it won’t break. The heck with it! I’m doing it! ;)
  14. Jason in DLH

    New Rear Differential Cover For Sale PN 19133285

    So I ordered the wrong size. Here’s the exact part I ordered and have: $30 including shipping (unless you’re outside the lower 48). Includes new gasket and new bolts. There is a massive restocking fee at GMPartsDirect!
  15. Jason in DLH

    (Solved) Looking for Front, Center Jacking point 2015 Yukon Denali

    So I was going to go Jack up the front center crossmember to lift both front wheels at the same time, but the darn plastic “skid plate” thing is in completely in the way (on my ‘07 I have plenty of room to Jack it up there). I’ve heard on other forums that people simply Jack it up there without...
  16. Jason in DLH

    Any Engine Issues With The 2015-2020 Yukons?

    Hi Josh! The Active Fuel Management (or Displacement on Demand “D.O.D.”) causes lifter failure ultimately resulting in needing a new camshaft. Disable it at least before you experience the consequences of the failed lifter.
  17. Jason in DLH

    Another newbie to the Tahoe world

    Hi Mike! Welcome to the forum! I’ve only been here a few months and have learned a ton!
  18. Jason in DLH

    Air ride or bypass

    Due to the price I switched to regular shocks and struts. I personally didn’t notice any difference.
  19. Jason in DLH

    Removing ECM safely

    A “Tech 2” might provide this information. Others will chime in to where you can get one for the least amount of money and whether or not it can actually perform this.
  20. Jason in DLH

    Color matching door handles?

    Welcome to the forum, Dave! Have you thought about painting them? Give the RPO paint code to these guys and they send you nice spray paint to match perfectly...
  21. Jason in DLH

    New to me pristine 11 Yukon XL Denali!

    Welcome to the forum! Lucky you to have a rust free truck! I’ll certainly be looking into what @Bill 1960 suggested for rust prevention on my wife’s non rusted Yukon. Sounds like you already know about the lifter/camshaft problem with these AFM engines. I’ve decided to go ahead with the...
  22. Jason in DLH

    AutoRide delete

    It worked! Finally did this today and it worked! Thanks man! Its Fuse#61 (Alc/comp). “Automatic Leveling Control Compressor.
  23. Jason in DLH

    How To: Turn Off “Service Suspension System” because Ride Level Height is Incorrect

    If you’ve lifted or lowered your truck that has “AutoRide” deleted, you’ll need to do these things to disable “Service Suspension System”: 1. Disconnect negative battery cable. 2. Wire in a resistor at each shock location (see YouTube video link below on how to do this). 3. Remove Fuse #61...
  24. Jason in DLH

    Hi everyone!!!

    Hi Nate! Jason here. Welcome aboard!

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