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  1. Bad bow tie

    United States Army

    From all of the TYF family, we appreciate your service in keeping our great nation safe. Keep yourself safe and be sure to keep in touch with us and tell us about journeys across the globe!
  2. Bad bow tie

    Rear End Rebuild

  3. Bad bow tie

    Rear End Rebuild

    Obviously I would at the very least pop the cover off and take a look at the internals to make sure they were in half way decent condition and look at how many miles are on it. But with as many miles as mine has on it I can't justify spending a grand on a rebuild. And besides, a lot of junk...
  4. Bad bow tie

    Metric Tire Sizes

    285/70/17, 295/70/17, and 305/70/17 should all fit. You may have to crank the front a little bit on the 295/70 and 305/70 to clear at full turn, but the 285/70 should fit on a complete stock suspension. They are all roughly 33" tall tires. You shouldn't have to lift the rear at all.
  5. Bad bow tie

    Rear End Rebuild

    I would drop a used axle in there instead of rebuilding the 10 bolt. It would be a lot cheaper and if you are semi mechanical, you could probably do it yourself in your driveway. You can pick up a used 10 bolt of craigslist or the junk yard for a couple hundred bucks. Or you could put in a 14...
  6. Bad bow tie

    Snow pics!

    The south got slammed from what I've been hearing. They got more than we do here in Michigan. Crazy.
  7. Bad bow tie

    YESSSSS.... I got a NEW TIRE/RIMS too

    Your logic is flawless.......
  8. Bad bow tie

    Newbie Here

    Welcome aboard sir! Post some pictures of "the beast"!
  9. Bad bow tie

    LS swap talk thread

    It's not straight forward. There is a lot of wiring involved to make everything work. I've read a lot on this subject and I guess if you know what you are doing it shouldn't be too bad. The wiring is a touch over my head as you have to run 2 PCM's and splice harnesses together. If you are...
  10. Bad bow tie

    cleaning carpet

    Husky Liners are good for our trucks. It's what I have in the front, middle, and the cargo area. They are custom fit and cover the whole floor section of the carpet and have a raised lip to help keep water, mud, snow etc in and off the carpet. They make a center hump liner too but I don't have...
  11. Bad bow tie

    YESSSSS.... I got a NEW TIRE/RIMS too

    Good work on getting the tires. Rims look pretty decent too.
  12. Bad bow tie

    Magnetic fuel saver??

    Looks like a waste of 6$ to me. Save your money and buy tires! haha I had to
  13. Bad bow tie

    Nothing is going right for me. Need a little help

    I'll be down there in a couple weeks and can help you if you need it haha!
  14. Bad bow tie

    tire rip off!

    I would agree that is kind of high. But not by much for a mud terrain from a known and reputable manufactuer. Go to Sam's Club, they usually have good prices and the mounting and balancing is a hell of a lot cheaper than other places. By the way, its "tread" not "thread".
  15. Bad bow tie

    What SHOULD I INSTALL to my SUV? Run out of IDEA

    I agree with this. Get it up and running well then let the mods begin. And dude, $800 for a brand new set of tires is not bad especially for 22's or 24's (I think that's what you have) they are probably cheap pieces of shit but new nonetheless.
  16. Bad bow tie

    Take a look

    I would have put "6.5 Turbo Diesel" instead of "6.5 Diesel Turbo" on the cowl hood. I have to say its a damn nice Yukon though. He's got some money in it, and the flares and LineX really set it off IMO.
  17. Bad bow tie

    What SHOULD I INSTALL to my SUV? Run out of IDEA

    +1. I was just going to say that.
  18. Bad bow tie

    new here frm WI

    Welcome from across the great pond sir!
  19. Bad bow tie

    new armor

    I was thinking that too. And maybe some fog lights in the bumpers and PIAA lights mounted on the tube somewhere. That would look pretty awesome.
  20. Bad bow tie

    my 99 Hoe with 18X9 pro comps metal mulisha

    Looks great! What kind of lift are you running?
  21. Bad bow tie

    Been Thinking about an OBS Hoe

    Mine has a delay of about 15-30 seconds. Sounds like procomps does too. I don't know maybe they redesigned it in the later years where there is no delay.
  22. Bad bow tie

    Been Thinking about an OBS Hoe

    Your floor shifter is instant? As in no delay? Mine works great and always has but I have a short delay that gets aggravating pretty quick. I know there is a product on the market that eliminates the delay I know I see, but I can't find the link or remember what it's called. ---------- Post...
  23. Bad bow tie

    2008 GMC Sierra mods/dropped

    Wow that first picture is pure :boobs:. Very tastefully done for a lowerd truck. Good luck with the sale!
  24. Bad bow tie

    Operation Bigger Burban.....

    Sounds like a good plan you got there. Only thing missing is a 383 to match your Hoe!
  25. Bad bow tie

    Been Thinking about an OBS Hoe

    My dad had a 99 2500 Suburban and he never had any issues with the push button 4wd. I have the lever on the floor in my 1995, and while I have never had any issues over the past 5 years, it takes like 30 seconds to engage (acuator) and that drives me crazy. But I would rather wait 30 seconds...

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