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  1. Jason in DLH

    New guy in Arizona

    Yeah...I doubt anyone takes offense to anything around here from what I’ve seen. For crying out loud...I’m the nerdy guy you see in movies who gets tied up with duct tape to a rolling chair in high school by the football team and gets rolled around the school. :yaoface2: Wait...THAT was ME...
  2. Jason in DLH

    New guy in Arizona

    I like how you blocked the license plate. ;) Looking great!
  3. Jason in DLH

    Interior Lighting ??

    Yeah, I agree with you. I’ve been thinking of adding an engine light for awhile now along with the footwell area, but have been too lazy. Haha!
  4. Jason in DLH

    Decided to sell my 2015 Tahoe LT, but how ?

    This is all great information! Planning to sell my ‘07 Yukon as well and don’t like to talk with dealers at all.
  5. Jason in DLH

    Can I turbo my stock 2010 Tahoe 5.3L?

    Here’s a good article for starters...
  6. Jason in DLH

    Interior Lighting ??

    Got to thinking...we always buy used vehicles, so I never see any of the available options. Maybe it was an available option on these? Or maybe mine are burnt out too. ;)
  7. Jason in DLH

    Interior Lighting ??

    Both are Denali’s.
  8. Jason in DLH

    Interior Lighting ??

    I don’t believe so. Our ‘15 and ‘07 don’t have it.
  9. Jason in DLH

    Strange Issues. Please help a brotha out.

    Yup...I can verify that the ABS light will be on with faulty wheel speed sensor.
  10. Jason in DLH

    Looking for an MTX sub box

    My son has perfect selective hearing. Strange how he can pick up on whispering “want some chocolate,” but not loudly saying “pick up your toys.”
  11. Jason in DLH

    Looking for an MTX sub box

    That’s funny! I didn’t notice all that red writing either! Haha!
  12. Jason in DLH

    Tahoe cold - air induction

    Looks great! Just curious about this style...doesn’t it suck hot air from the engine as it doesn’t seem to be air tight from the engine?
  13. Jason in DLH

    Caliper Covers

    Looks great!
  14. Jason in DLH

    Good Morning!

    Hi Tim! She’s one lucky Mrs!
  15. Jason in DLH

    New Tahoe z71

    Welcome! Looks great! Dedicated snow tires makes a great difference. Here’s a couple to check out... Bridgestone Blizzak Nokian Hakkapeliitta R3 SUV
  16. Jason in DLH

    New guy in Arizona

    Definitely looks good. Welcome!
  17. Jason in DLH

    Pictures of 3 Yukon’s...Vote For Your Favorite!

    Well said. These new Wrangler Rubicon’s are built pretty well for rock crawling. Can fit a 37” tire easily with only a 3” lift with crazy articulation to boot.
  18. Jason in DLH

    Here’s my Audio Setup, Let’s See Yours!

    Definitely looks like a nice receiver. Too bad! Does seem to have quite a curve to it on the bottom.
  19. Jason in DLH

    New guy from SC

    Hi Robert! Welcome home! ;)
  20. Jason in DLH

    2014 Yukon Denali Part out

    Ive been wondering this as well! Haha!
  21. Jason in DLH

    75,000 Watt System

    So after seeing and his crazy DC Audio setup I thought I’d check DC Audio out for the fun of it. This is the madness I found....
  22. Jason in DLH

    Any thoughts?

    No. That’s a bit strange that’s doing that.
  23. Jason in DLH

    I was SHOCKED

    Nice find! I’m sure you’ll love it!
  24. Jason in DLH

    Front End Rebuild, Should I do a lift now?

    So I measured the distance from my 265/70/17 tires (with a wheel offset of +24 and a 2” spacer) to my front clip and it’s 1” left to go before I hit it (while turning). I’m only saying this to give you sort of an idea as all trucks are different.
  25. Jason in DLH

    Front End Rebuild, Should I do a lift now?

    Both our tires are nearly identical... Tomorrow I’ll turn my wheels and measure to the front clip (it’s really close) just to give you an idea. I’ll finally measure my lift as well (I can never remember if it’s 2” or 3”).

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