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    2005 Yukon Denali XL Running Board Removal

    Tried to find a video. I'm surprised that as many of these that are out there videos for things like this aren't easy to find. I would like to remove the running boards preferably as a unit with brackets and all so I can do some rocker panel repair. Best way to do this and what size are the...
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    Rocker Covers?

    Rusty 2005 Yukon XL. Vehicle isn't worth replacing the rockers the right way so I would like to cover them up so I don't risk getting tetanus from cutting my foot while getting in it and scraping it on the sharp edges of a rust hole. What should I consider? See lots of products for...
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    WTB Good Body 2004-06 Yukon Denali or Denali XL

    Have a 2005 Denali XL that has an excellent drivertrain but the body is rotten. Looking for a good replacement body in the DFW TX area. Ideally would like to find one with a bad engine transmission but a good body. If you can help please let me know.
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    2005 Rust Belt Denali XL A/C Fix

    A/C not working did a vacuum test and holds none. I've done a/c repairs successfully many times and it usually involves a condenser drier orifice tube compressor o-rings oil and refrigerant. I've never done one that has front and rear a/c. Concerned the issue may be with the rear portion...
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    2005 XL Rust Repair?

    Have an 05 Denali XL from the North East. Low miles great drivetrain, but it's rusty. I think it has quite a bit of life left drivetrain wise, but body wise I'm not sure what to do. It's not worth a whole lot so I don't want to spend a fortune on it. I've done quite a bit of body work but am...
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    2005 Yukon Speedometer Not Working Perplexed

    2005 Yukon Denali. When I got it the oil pressure, PRNDL and speedometer didn't work. I replaced the motors for the oil pressure and speedometer and re-soldered the items associated with the PRNDL screen. Oil pressure gauge and PRNDL screen now work. The speedometer acted weird after motor...
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    How to Remove Service Air Bag Service Ride Control DIC Messages Permanently

    Recently got a 2005 Yukon Denali XL that has Service Air Bag and Service Ride Control messages in the Driver Info Center. I really don't need either of these items to work but would like the messages to go away permanently. No codes show up when I use a code reader. Is there a way to cheaply...

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