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  1. Ponchonutty

    SCT Tuner for sale

    Unmarried and freshly updated tuner. Comes with tuner and cable. Like new and plenty of tunes left to use. $250 shipped
  2. Ponchonutty

    2007-2014 Custom professionally made subwoofer enclosure

    As title states. Built the way it should be. May fit other years too???? Click on link for more info. Can be dyed different color if needed.
  3. Ponchonutty

    Custom 12” enclosure for 07-15 Tahoe Yukon Escalade

    as title states. This fits between center captains chairs. Sold vehicles and they didn’t want this. $175 plus shipping. Fosgate P3 sub not included. THIS ROCKED THE CRAP OUT OF MY RIDE!! People had no idea where the enclosure was and thought I had multiple subs installed. Fits pretty tight and...
  4. Ponchonutty

    Oil pickup tube o ring change

    This was one of the things I’ve put off doing to my 08 Denali. I told the buyer of it I would have it done before handing over the keys. Really wasn’t bad at all. I’m pissed at GM saying my oil pressure is was within spec before I changed it when I knew it couldn’t be. I mean my Camaro SS...
  5. Ponchonutty

    Heated and cooled cup holders

    Anyone have these that can chime in? I have question on operation. I test drove a Platinum Esky and it seems as if I could not get both cup holders to work at the same time. One or the other works fine, if I tried both, they’d kick out.
  6. Ponchonutty

    Maybe selling the Denali for an Escalade

    I love my 2008 Denali but wife always wanted a caddy. Well local dealer has a 13 Escalade with 125k miles but has a brand new engine for $23k AND is spotless. I crapped when I saw the mileage. My Denali has 208k miles but you’d swear it only has 75k miles. Not sure if I wanna make the switch...
  7. Ponchonutty

    Bose problems

    Well for last year or so my Bose system will not turn on the front door speakers. I looked around to see if any one else has had that problem and if so, what did you do to fix it?
  8. Ponchonutty

    2008 Denali steering wheel swap

    Well I finally finished my project. I’m very savvy and I have to say this was way more effort than I expected. I was thinking as long as I picked another wheel that was the same design I’d be fine. That wasn’t the case. These wheels are designed completely different inside. I had serious...
  9. Ponchonutty

    Thump in floorboard can’t fine source

    so I’ve been chasing this odd thump when going over unlevel terrian. Mostly seems when the chassis flexes I get what I describe a sound as if someone is hitting the floorboard with a heavy hammer. It doesn’t do this all the time. Mostly when say pulling into a driveway at low speeds. All...
  10. Ponchonutty

    Anyone try to swap new style steering wheel?

    curious if anyone has tried to swap a new style steering wheel or not? My leather is looking rough on my wheel. The new replacements are over $350. The new style wheels are half that. Or, has anyone recovered theirs?
  11. Ponchonutty

    body mount questions on noises

    Curious I've seen some post that they had to replace body mounts but never comment on what it sounded like or what the symptoms were. I've got some odd popping or knocking noises every once in a while I'm trying to find. Thanks
  12. Ponchonutty

    Uggg do I have front carrier bearings going out?

    Solve one issue and onto the next. I have an odd noise that isn't consistent. Seems to be more prevalent when warm. Sort of sounds like as if I'm dragging something under the rig. Part throttle or deceleration seems to trigger it. Speed also is a factor. Usually around 35-65 mph is when I...
  13. Ponchonutty

    Gas smell from drivers side

    Been having an issue of gas smell and found the problem. GM uses cheap lines out of the sending unit. Because where it is, it collects all kinds of crap and rusts. Wasn't too bad of a deal to replace except for the high pressure line was rusted into the plastic fuel line that runs over tank to...
  14. Ponchonutty

    08 Denali with 160k suspension question

    I replaced all spring/struts/auto ride stuff about 12k miles ago. Vehicle rides fine but sometimes if I take off a little hard, I can feel a clunk which feels like either something in the rear or even like a loose driveshaft. Also there's this odd bump close to my house and when I drive over it...
  15. Ponchonutty

    Odd soft pedal while braking

    OK so say that I am driving for a while and apply the brakes, the brakes are soft and the pedal feels like it will go to the floor. If I pump the brakes I have a firm pedal. There is not any pulling either direction nor are there any leaks. If I pump the brakes and hold the brakes down, there...
  16. Ponchonutty

    07-14 Hidden subwoofer/box tahoe Yukon

    Here's a link to what I have with pictures and such. Ask any questions.
  17. Ponchonutty

    Hidden 10" subwoofer enclosure for sale

    As title states. I am needing some extra cash for other things and thinking of selling a custom fiberglass enclosure that fits inside the driver's side rear panel next to power liftgate. I can sell it with or without the Fosgate DVC 10" subwoofer too. As soon as I have the time I will be...
  18. Ponchonutty

    Transfer case leak

    Well. Finally found the source of my leak. I have the dreaded pin hole leak at the transfer case. Appears as if JB weld is the quick short term answer but I'm gonna have to tear into it soon. Anyone tackle this yet?
  19. Ponchonutty

    Hellwig sway bar install

    Well after several weeks I finally got around to installing one of my sway bars, the front. Something that should've taken about a half an hour took me over three hours! One of the factory bolts had the head snap off and took me forever to get it out. One of the reasons it's taken me so long...
  20. Ponchonutty

    Front differential leaking seals on my 08 Yukon

    as the title states. Crawled under to do some other work and see the front diff is leaking on the drivers side and also the rear input shaft. Has anyone replaced these themselves and if so, how difficult is it?
  21. Ponchonutty

    Odd suspension clunk

    My 08 Denali has 140k miles on the clock. Last year I replaced all of the shocks with the correct replacements. Recently I've noticed a clunk type noise coming from the center to the rear of the truck when going over certain bumps. Doesn't seem to do it all the time though. Any pointers at what...
  22. Ponchonutty

    hyrdro dipped dash parts

    Since I had to get out my paint gun to do some repairs to the exterior, I decided to hyrdro dip my dash. I used the blue I used from my 2001 Silverado I repaired last year. Came out pretty good...
  23. Ponchonutty

    brought out the paint gun oh no!

    The luxury of having a high mileage vehicle in Ohio has caught up to me. When I bought it, I knew there was a little paint work done to the front. Looks like the PO bumped something and someone half-assed the repair to the bumper cover. That also caused the paint to crack at the spot where...
  24. Ponchonutty

    2008 Denali gauge lights never shut off

    As the title states. Noticed this when I went into the garage while the truck was sitting for about 2 hours. The lights just around the gauges were lit up, no other lights on the inside or outside of the vehicle. Everything else seems normal on the vehicle. Any idea?

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