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  1. gtrslngrchris

    2014-2019 AutoSync-G2 - BT DieselWorks

    Unit is everything but brand new I think I actually had it in my OBDII port for less than a week total before it came back inside and has been living in the original box for a month or so. I bought this as I had been excited about them in the past but the reality is that I just won't use it and...
  2. gtrslngrchris

    Megan the Tahoe

    I picked up this Tahoe the first weekend in February this year after deciding I'd buy and build a Tahoe for the same money that my Duramax was going to cost me in maintenance this year. That way I can push off the maintenance for more fun things and get a new daily driver out of it that's...
  3. gtrslngrchris

    New from Oklahoma

    Hey, my name is Chris and I own a Tahoe... I picked up my '05 LT 2wd about 3 weeks ago for $3500 and I've been loving it ever since. I've previously owned '00, '01 1500 Silverados and '03 and '07 2500HD Silverados but never a Tahoe and now I'm wondering why the hell it took me so long because...

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