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  1. swathdiver

    What do you think of my new teeth?

    If this were yours, would you send it or adjust it?
  2. swathdiver

    FYI: Reading BCM Codes with ODBII Adapter

    I was talking to my daughter today and she showed me her ability to view and clear BCM codes on her truck, a 2012 GMC Sierra. I bought her a Foseal Bluetooth adapter and she went on the Apple store and downloaded the free app called Car Scanner. I use an Android phone with Torque Pro and...
  3. swathdiver

    Whose Lifted Suburban and Jayco Trailer Is That?

    Not enough tongue weight, the tail wagged the dog.
  4. swathdiver

    2500 Yukon XL Destroyed

    Lifted with KO2s?
  5. swathdiver

    Do Amplifiers Wear Out?

    The stereo system in my 2009 Yukon XL sounds fine, not as much bass as I'd like but understand that's part of the system protecting the speakers. This truck has a navigation radio. The stereo system in my 2012 Sierra sounds the same as the 2009. It has the basic Bose stereo system, no...
  6. swathdiver

    He Lives!

    Another testament to the safety of these vehicles. This one though seems like a miracle to me.
  7. swathdiver

    Don't Be This Guy...
  8. swathdiver

    Hurricane Nicole

    Well, now it's our turn to take a direct hit from a hurricane. We're still gassed up, full of water and batteries and propane and food from the last one. Say a prayer for us all.
  9. swathdiver

    I Need An Education On Window Tint

    Hey Fellas, So I made an appointment and my daughter took Sonoma Rose to get her windows tinted. I told the guy over the phone that I wanted it the same as my Yukon that they did, the maximum amount allowed by law. The paperwork for the Yukon says 30% up front and 20% in the rear, the...
  10. swathdiver

    Do you know where to get this?

    This part is no longer available for the 2007-2014 GMT900 SUVs. It is the rear hood weatherstrip, part number was 15200240. Some places offer weatherstrip by the foot, but I do not know how to look this one up. The rigid base measured 3/4 of an inch wide and it of course has shrunk over the...
  11. swathdiver

    Nice or Nasty?

    My daughter spotted this a few minutes ago while out to lunch at the local choke and puke: PPV, no hitch, electrical outlet above rear wheel, extra lights beside tag, K2 wheels, red partial wrap, dual exhaust, what else? I think it's cool. What say you?
  12. swathdiver

    From This To That!

    Got a call that a friend had broken down on the way home from fishing. Tow truck was coming for his truck but needed to get the boat home. All the tow gear was already in the Yukon so it was just a matter of loading up and making the 45 minute drive to help our wayward friends. The Ford had...
  13. swathdiver

    Who Is Going To Be First On Their Block?
  14. swathdiver

    Catch Can?

    Might this work as a catch can? It's and old AC Delco design fuel water separator with a glass bowl. This one has no mounts: Might this style be more advantageous?
  15. swathdiver

    Idle Worse After Plugs and Wires, WWYD?

    On New Years Day I hired a neighborhood kid to help change out the plugs and wires on the Yukon XLs 5.3 motor. Used the new 41-162 spark plugs and 748UU GM OE wires. Truck idles worse than before with plugs and wires that were installed in 2017 and about 48K miles ago. Those old plugs were...
  16. swathdiver

    6L80 and 6L90 Gold Nuggets of Information

    Came across this on YouTube and thought it might help folks out there: @AirJordan613 - I thought of you when I saw this video. Watch the beginning and then at about 36 minutes to see if your issues resemble these. A lot of issues that are brought up on these forums are addressed in this video.
  17. swathdiver

    Tech-2 Fun

    Took the Yukon out for a run and took a Snapshot of the Transmission Data to record the engine torque and some other things. Once home, I played the Snapshot on the Tech-2 back at my desk, hooked up to shore power, and plotted the data on an excel spreadsheet. Decided to use only the 1st gear...
  18. swathdiver

    Anyone Clean Their Headliner?

    Anyone with a GMT900 clean their headliner? What did you use? How did you do it? My daughter bought a product from Meguiar's a few years ago, tried it out on the Kia and said it left water stains and refused to try again on my truck.
  19. swathdiver

    AXN Axle and the Conversion U-Joint

    It doesn't exist, it's not needed for the GMT900s. My truck is a 4x4 with the 5.3. A 2010 4x4 with the 6.2 has the same driveshaft part number as mine and the u-joints in the components list is the same as verified at AAM. So for you fellas swapping in a 14-bolt Saginaw from a RWD Denali or...
  20. swathdiver

    Rear Alignment

    This is my AFTER sheet. I'm fine with the front, I reckon to correct the rear toe, the rear bushings ought to be replaced. What say you?
  21. swathdiver

    Michelin Defenders

    Anyone happen to be running the P265/70R17 or LT265/70R17 Defenders? Trying to determine the sidewall construction and cannot find any photos on the internet. Could someone who has one or the other post a photo of theirs please? Thanks! Also, if you have had both, does the LT ride...
  22. swathdiver

    Hurricane Ida

    Well folks, Hurricane Ida is bearing down on Louisiana which is home to a bunch of guys on here. For those of you who know the Lord, please keep these folks in your prayers. As of 7AM the maximum sustained winds were 150 MPH, that's like a nuclear blast, just slabs left. My thoughts are...
  23. swathdiver

    Another example of regular gas in a 6.2 motor...

    Spectacular destruction! How much did the owner save by running 87?
  24. swathdiver

    Another Sleeper...

    This makes 37 4x4s and 1 RWD version of this truck found so far.

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