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  1. I

    Black Headlights for 2016 Tahoe

    It's what I originally want d to do. Wife's taking a week off in October thinking this is what I am gonna try to do while she's gone . Thanks
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    Black Headlights for 2016 Tahoe

    Did you do a write up on it? would love to have a lil more guidance. How b out moisture inside the lens?
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    Black Headlights for 2016 Tahoe

    Ive thought of that, but not real comfortable putting $500 headlight in the oven! LOL! Also if it doesn;t get sealed just right moisture will get into the lens
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    Black Headlights for 2016 Tahoe I tried to edit it, but I guess it didn't work. The link is the other set.
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    Black Headlights for 2016 Tahoe

    Thought about it at one point,but I'm not sure its legal and it would kill the light output.
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    Black Headlights for 2016 Tahoe

    Has anyone bought black headlights? I've been searching and only found 2 options. Wondering if anyone has them and if they are worth it. 1st option...
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    Any one drop a 16 Tahoe with 22's

    BY the looks of it there isn;t much difference in the cost. I seen the strut kit on your webpage for the 15's. Already comes with everything and then adding the endlink and bumpstop option. Is that all I need? THere a discount for forum member and repeat customer?
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    Any one drop a 16 Tahoe with 22's

    Any idea when spindles will be in? Would there be any noticable difference between the spindles and the struts. What about cost?
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    Any one drop a 16 Tahoe with 22's

    No auto ride. Any other options for drops?
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    Any one drop a 16 Tahoe with 22's

    Its a 4x4 But not sure I can swing the price for new 24's. Are the drop spindles out for the 16 yet?
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    Any one drop a 16 Tahoe with 22's

    Damn! I feel like the 22's do look small under there. Not really wanting to put another 3 grand into new wheels n rims Thanks for the pic. Was hoping Tony would chime in with some pics. I've bought all my stuff from him
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    Any one drop a 16 Tahoe with 22's

    I'm thinking the same but there are 3 big factors 1. I already own the 22's 2. Its my wife's daily driver. Need to put as much rubber between the road and the rim 3. Very little rubbing issues with the 22's. Fixed with heat gun in 10 minutes.
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    Any one drop a 16 Tahoe with 22's

    Wondering if anyone has dropped a 16 Tahoe with 22's. Just wanted to see some pics to see if the wheels still look decent. For some reason, I feel like the 22's would look small with the bigger ass the new Tahoe has. Gonna use the same SS replica wheels I have on my 2010 in my signature pic...
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    Painting Denali Grille?

    I did it to my 2010. Took it to a local chrome shop and had them dip it to strip the chrome. After that, just sanded and rattle canned it. Havent even had to touch it up in the last 4 years, and I live in northern IL.
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  16. I

    04 silverado OEM Head and taillights

    SOLD....Sorry, I got the payment about 3 hours ago from another member.
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    04 silverado OEM Head and taillights

    BUMP! Taillights still available.
  18. I

    04 silverado OEM Head and taillights

    Timmy, the taillights are still for sale. Pm me if you are interested.
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    04 silverado OEM Head and taillights

    Sale was pending Timmy, I'll let you know if it falls through.
  20. I

    04 silverado OEM Head and taillights

    HAHA!! THey are the Bermuda led tailights. I got them From Not sure I like them, so if you are wanting to get a set I can post some more pics and maybe we can deal.
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    04 silverado OEM Head and taillights

    Sorry Rob, Sale is pending to DirtyBlackHoe.
  22. I

    04 silverado OEM Head and taillights

    Sorry Mark, don't think they will fit a Tahoe Brian, $50 sounds alright. How do you want to proceed? PM me.
  23. I

    04 silverado OEM Head and taillights

    Bump for an offer? I really just need to get rid of them.

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