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  1. N

    Tail Light / Cruise Control issues

    All good. The harness bolt was not tightened all the way. We all good. Thanks!
  2. N

    Tail Light / Cruise Control issues

    So I sorta took this path in that I got just enough of the old switch out to be able to plug in and mock up the new one without physically installing. While I was able to see some functionality, what really has screwed me over now is that the previous owner of this truck had an absolute hack job...
  3. N

    Best Tail Light Replacement Units?

    Does anyone have a lead on the best brand fittment for tail lights other than OEM? I tried three different sets of TYC and they just do not fit. It seems like they are binding somewhere but not sure where at. I don't see how it's such a chore to find ones that work. OEM I'm assuming are out of...
  4. N

    Tail Light / Cruise Control issues

    Will give it a shot. Come to think of it, I've been having issues with the wipers stopping in the middle of their sweep. Wonder if this is connected. Thanks!
  5. N

    Tail Light / Cruise Control issues

    Chasing a new one guys. Pass. side tail light is out, with no brake/turn/reverse functionality. Also noticing that the cruise is disengaging when using the headlights or right (pass. ) turn signal. Sounds all connected. Any thoughts?
  6. N

    Crank-No Start 99 Tahoe 4x4 5.7 - SOLVED

    I'm happy to report that the issue was the dizzy. Truck has been running for about a month now.
  7. N

    Crank-No Start 99 Tahoe 4x4 5.7 - SOLVED

    Hey guys, little update here. Still having the issue but the truck has been sent back to the mechanic. Compression is all good. Around 150 psi on 6 cylinders with two others down around 130-135. All seems to be good there. Is getting good spark and also fuel as well. There is noticeable...
  8. N

    Crank-No Start 99 Tahoe 4x4 5.7 - SOLVED

    Hook up a fuel pressure gauge and report back: A. Key on, engine off: pressure? 58/60psi B. Same as above after 5, 15 minutes? 58/60psi C. Engine running: pressure? Never got truck running but cranking psi still held around 58/60
  9. N

    Crank-No Start 99 Tahoe 4x4 5.7 - SOLVED

    Also, I didn’t think fuel injected engines could flood. The truck had a new style spider for about 5-6 years that worked fine. During a maintenance stay at a shop last year that unit was replaced. I assume a new fuel pressure regulator would have come with the new unit?
  10. N

    Crank-No Start 99 Tahoe 4x4 5.7 - SOLVED

    I tried again. Will have to get it towed home as it’s sitting on the street at my gf house. Still same issues. Cranks, then tries to go only to stutter and buck real hard before the starter seems to lose engagement and spin freely (as in the first video). Does shudder roughly a few times as...
  11. N

    Crank-No Start 99 Tahoe 4x4 5.7 - SOLVED

    Would also add that there is an odor of gasoline and also occasionally some smoke that will come from somewhere under the hood.
  12. N

    Crank-No Start 99 Tahoe 4x4 5.7 - SOLVED

    I'm having an intermittent crank-no start on my truck. This seemed to develop over time when the truck would crank slowly almost as if the battery was dead. One evening the truck died for good and couldn't be jumped so in went a new battery. This did not solve the problem. A few days later the...
  13. N

    Intermittent crank/no-start solved

    Just stumbling on this thread because I'm having the same problem with a very intermittent Crank/No Start. Only thing is just about every component in the ignition/timing apparatus has been replaced. It does exhibit sputtering and even some smoke as though it's trying to run but almost as though...
  14. N

    99 2DR NP246 'Stuck' with noises coming from Transfer Case

    Fresh rebuilt NP246. After switching to 4Hi and hearing a ping or pop from the case, it is 'stuck' in 4Hi an will not return to 2WD or 4Lo. New switch was installed along with new encoder motor at the time of install. Usually ran it in 4Hi for a little bit every week to move things around - but...
  15. N

    New codes and drivetrain issues after getting stuck

    Hey guys. Solved this one. Looks like it was a blown ENG-I fuse. Consulted the manual and wiring schematic led me to the fuse box under the hood. Sure enough it was popped. Replaced and everything is back to normal.
  16. N

    New codes and drivetrain issues after getting stuck

    Hey guys about a week ago I got the truck stuck pretty deep in mud. After being pulled out and getting back home, the truck has started to do some weird things and have new issues. 1. P0102 MAF Voltage/Signal Low - Upon datalogging, it seems that the PCM is reading no output from the MAF. The...
  17. N

    Misfire Cylinder #5 after warm-up - possible bad spider?

    Just a quick update. This seems to have been fixed with a new thermostat. Operating temps were very low and preventing the truck from fully warming up.
  18. N

    Misfire Cylinder #5 after warm-up - possible bad spider?

    What would I be watching for with the O2 sensors?
  19. N

    Misfire Cylinder #5 after warm-up - possible bad spider?

    I drove the truck today around town and tried to produce various effects at load while monitoring fuel trims. At 75mph/2400-2500 rpm sustained, the stft was great (1-3%). Ltft was not so great however (12-18%). That said I had zero misfires while sustaining speed and only inducing light load to...
  20. N

    Misfire Cylinder #5 after warm-up - possible bad spider?

    Hey guys, I am trying to troubleshoot an apparent misfire on cylinder #5 on my 99 2 door Tahoe. The problem only occurs under load, and after the truck has warmed up. It has had the newer style MPI spider installed for almost 5 years now, and the shop near me thinks it's a bad injector. My...
  21. N

    VSS going haywire on new/rebuilt Transfer Case/Tranny

    So I located the culprit. Seems somewhere along the lines of removing the old case or whatever - the jackets on both the wires on the drivers side VSS were frayed. Did some heat shrink and re seated the pins in the plug and all was good after that.
  22. N

    VSS going haywire on new/rebuilt Transfer Case/Tranny

    Hey guys, just finally getting my truck back out on the road yesterday when it definitely was having a major problem. The transmission was acting very bizarrely - shifting only into 2nd and downshifting back into first on application of throttle. In addition to this, the transfer case fuse blew...
  23. N

    1999 Tahoe 2 Door Exhaust Diagram

    So this has been resolved. The truck did, in fact have the CA emissions. A proper midpipe was installed. Me and my dad made an adapter harness to run the O2 sensor on the drivers side over to the pass. side. As a further note... The Magnaflow 23453 midpipe will require slight clearancing of a...
  24. N

    1999 Tahoe 2 Door Exhaust Diagram

    Hey guys I am looking at the diagram and it seems that some how my truck has a completely different exhaust setup. For one, my midpipe has the cats flanking the transmission on either side. This agrees with the plug for the drivers side aft O2 sensor as it connects at that location. For seconds...

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