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  1. G

    Problem with rear heat

    Gabefo -- I tried your prescribed fix and the actuactor is still overtraveling and tripping the B0434 code. Here's the summary of previous attempt to address my issue (code B0434, no rear temperature control, cold air only, actuator goes to far right position and stays there): - replaced...
  2. G

    Problem with rear heat

    Wow, thank you for the tip! I'm going to try this later this week. This is the first post I've found that identified a fix to this niche issue that seemed to affect a few people who eventually gave up on fixing it. It always inspires confidence when I see someone bust out a nice Fluke meter...
  3. G

    Best places to buy a PPV/SSV?

    Thanks for the tip. I'll add their site to my favorites to check occasionally. Coincidentally, I'm looking to move to the Austin area in the next few months, so that would be really convenient if I found something. It's the overall look of the truck and the fact that I should be able to get one...
  4. G

    Stock backup camera on 2014 PPV -- standard?

    For the regular 2014 Tahoe, the backup camera is a standard feature. From the 2014 Tahoe PPVs that I've seen, none seem to have the stock backup camera feature. Has anyone seen a 2014 Tahoe PPV with a stock backup camera?
  5. G

    Best places to buy a PPV/SSV?

    Yeah, that's another fear of mine :Big Laugh:. Maybe I should focus on finding a former detective PPV/SSV or someone in a department who didn't directly deal with transporting suspects. That 2013 PPV I mentioned seemed to be of this nature (regular vinyl bench, no wall/cage).
  6. G

    Best places to buy a PPV/SSV?

    Thanks for the surplus website tip. I'll keep an eye on that. Also, good to know about there not being a lasting odor on K-9 units. I'll be more open to them with that in mind.
  7. G

    Best places to buy a PPV/SSV?

    I'm looking for a PPV or SSV Tahoe with the following specs and wondering what's the best place to look (e.g. Year: 2013 or 2014 (preferably 2014) Color: Black Has concealed police lights and sirens (would rather have them left in than leaving holes everywhere...
  8. G

    Flywheel/driveplate - orientation question

    Hey guys, just finished replacing the rear main seal and housing gasket on my 04 Tahoe. Chilton book said to mark relationship between the flywheel/driveplate and crankshaft -- I did this step. Upon removing, it appears that the "extra" hole on the engine block didn't match with the extra hole...
  9. G

    SOLVED: Loose steering wheel play -- is this normal?? (see video)

    To answer your question, so far the Lares gear box is working pretty well and is pretty firm. I will say, the Lares box is much heavier than the OEM box which I guess is a good thing.
  10. G

    SOLVED: Loose steering wheel play -- is this normal?? (see video)

    Wow, that thing is bulletproof :cool:! I've seen video of Duraburbs, but never heard form anyone on how it work out.
  11. G

    SOLVED: Loose steering wheel play -- is this normal?? (see video)

    Nice! I've always admired the 2500 series of the Yukon/Suburban. Is that the 6.0L or the 8.1L ? If you do replace the lower intermediate shaft, definitely make sure to torque down the coupler/pinch bolt to spec (33 ft-lbs per Chilton book). Getting the bolt "tight" may not be tight enough as I...
  12. G

    SOLVED: Loose steering wheel play -- is this normal?? (see video)

    Lower Intermediate Steering Shaft: GM GENUINE 25958109 $146.79 Upper Intermediate Steering Shaft: GM GENUINE 19329330 $63.79 Steering Gear Box (New, not Remanufactured): LARES 11422 $334.79 Coupling Shaft Bolt (Replace this if the head seems stripped like mine was. I bought one from ebay...
  13. G

    SOLVED: Loose steering wheel play -- is this normal?? (see video)

    PROBLEM SOLVED!! -- I finally determined that the cause was in fact the lower intermediate steering shaft! Thanks to every for the input, as it gave me some perspective to my situation. Upon closer inspection at the steering gear box input shaft and lower intermediate steering shaft, I rotated...
  14. G

    SOLVED: Loose steering wheel play -- is this normal?? (see video)

    I've had this annoying loose play at my steering wheel for as long as I can remember on my 2004 Tahoe. I recorded a video of me in the driver's seat with the truck off and in park. I'm able to easily nudge the steering wheel with just a finger. Is this normal?? For instance, was this...
  15. G

    Reusing Rocker Arm Bolts?

    Thanks for the tip. Which book in particular? I was planning on using blue threadlock, but I suppose there are reasons for using black RTV.
  16. G

    Reusing Rocker Arm Bolts?

    Much appreciated!
  17. G

    Reusing Rocker Arm Bolts?

    I'm putting new cylinder heads on my Tahoe along with a lot of other new hardware (rockers, valves, springs, etc) and was wondering if I should replace the Rocker Arm bolts. They're a lot more expensive than you'd think if you go OEM -- about $8 each and I'd need 16 of course.
  18. G

    Cylinder Head replacement -- recommendations

    I ended up going with a new EngineTech casting from RockAuto since the other one wasn't available. I got a ton of other new parts that I received over the past week and will be taking off next week to get this job done.
  19. G

    Cylinder Head replacement -- recommendations

    So, it seems my truck, 2004 5.3L Tahoe, has the infamous cracked Castech cylinder head problem on the driver's side. I've decided to replace the cylinder heads and all associated hardware (rockers, springs, rods, etc.) and with all new parts --- no remanufactured (don't want to inherit the same...
  20. G

    Thermostat replaced less than 5 months ago -- now leaking

    Thanks guys for the advice, much appreciated. I'm going to use either silicone grease or RTV with the new thermostat that arrives, as suggested by a few of you. I think I may also do another pressure test to confirm that it is definitely the thermostat and not the water-pump --- since no one...
  21. G

    Thermostat replaced less than 5 months ago -- now leaking

    There was an old deteriorated rubber gasket from the old thermostat that had to be scraped off since it was stuck. That seems to have come with the new water pump at the time (installed May 2016 along with a new thermostat). The thermostat (installed in December) didn't include an additional...
  22. G

    Thermostat replaced less than 5 months ago -- now leaking

    Around last Christmas, I replaced my hoses, reservoir, reservoir cap, radiator, performed a coolant flush, and also replaced the thermostat while I was at it. This past weekend, I was driving down the highway when I noticed the 'HOT COOLANT' message on the DIC and saw that my temperature guage...
  23. G

    Fixing the Famous *CLUNK* Noise

    Reviving an old thread here -- I understand that the GM part number for the slip yoke in my 2004 Tahoe LT RWD is 7848635. I've looked for a nickel-plated version for this particular part number, but there doesn't seem to be one. I see plenty of nickel-plated aftermarket slip yoke for other...
  24. G

    Fuel Filter Bracket - GM Part #?

    Appreciate the help! I was going crazy trying to find this part too. I'll give Summit a call tomorrow. I like the swing-bolt design better and less plastic crap is always a plus. If that option doesn't work, I suppose I'll have to get one from a salvage yard, but it will likely be brittle like...
  25. G

    Fuel Filter Bracket - GM Part #?

    When replacing my fuel filter on my 2004 Tahoe LT, the existing black plastic fuel filter bracket cracked. Not surprising considering the age and how plastic becomes brittle, but I am having a lot of difficulty locating the GM part number from the drawings available. It's illustrated with an...

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