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  1. palmettosunshine

    97 Tahoe wipers bounce back at bottom of cycle

    Hello everyone, As the title says, my 97 Tahoe's wipers "bounce back" at the bottom of the wiper cycle when I use the intermittent switch. I just replaced the circuit board and that had no effect. The wiper motor is a re manufactured unit according to the label on it. Should I just go ahead...
  2. palmettosunshine

    New front brakes and shocks, what a difference!

    Thanks for the welcome! I looked at the sway bar bushings and end links and they looked great. In fact they looked so good I wondered if they had been replaced. The shocks were bilsteins (which I'm pretty sure weren't stock....) and they were dead as dead gets. May do the rear ones today if...
  3. palmettosunshine

    New front brakes and shocks, what a difference!

    Hello all, After finally getting the hoe back together after the lower intake manifold gasket replacement (nightmare central, don't leave a paper towel in the intake, doesn't work well) I had to replace the radiator as it was leaking at the oil cooler line. I had put it off for a while but it...

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