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  1. F

    Shacks, rattles and DOSEN'T roll !!

    UGHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!! Spoke to F'n soon. was driving home from work last night, had cruise control set on 70, then about 45mins just turns off, like someone turn the key back to the ACC position. I was listing to the radio, it stayed on and the lights on dash cluster came on as...
  2. F

    Shacks, rattles and DOSEN'T roll !!

    Ok here’s the latest. Heard might be the EGR, so I unhooked it and it ran somewhat better, so I took it off and cleaned the piss out of it, it was blacker than black with a lot of build up around the 2 holes. Also person said might be torque converter causing shack, advise me to go to parts...
  3. F

    Shacks, rattles and DOSEN'T roll !!

    Yeah, plenty of fuel, does it on full tank and anywhere in between...
  4. F

    Shacks, rattles and DOSEN'T roll !!

    Fuel Pressure good tested not to long ago, fuel filter changed also forgot to mention. Also I just did this on way back from store. It started shacking going up a small hill, so I pulled it down in neutral and it quit immediately, put it back in OD, started again when giving it gas...
  5. F

    Shacks, rattles and DOSEN'T roll !!

    HELLLPPPP !!! Ok, This is the first time on asking a question and for help online, but here goes. I have a 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe 2wd, 5.7 Vortec. Mileage unknown. I have changed the cap & button, spark plugs and Cam shaft position sensor. The reason I have done all these, is at around 70 mph, It...

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