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  1. K

    200,000 mark today

    Toomanyhobbies, Awesome on your 200k, and you too 07Burb! My 07 Yukon is only coming up on 120k and I really want to see it go beyond 200k but I don't know which will outlast the other - it or me. Ed L 07 Yukon SLT
  2. K

    Weather tech floor liners kinda sucking

    I have Husky liners up front and in the back seat area and they do quite well. My only complaint with the driver's side is that I will occasionally catch my shoe/boot on the edge of the lip that is there to hold debris and water. Other than that they are great and I've had Husky liners in my...
  3. K

    Oil consumption

    There was a post or two some time back that indicated some users were experiencing battery rundown with the Range Technologies unit plugged in. I tried it both ways and have not seen the need to unplug it after all. So far it looks like the oil consumption has curtailed and I have not...
  4. K

    Oil consumption

    My 07 5.3 did until I installed the Range! I didn't start seeing excessive oil consumption until around 85k. The dealership was no help but they did give me a GM writeup that essentially said it was normal "break-in" consumption! While the SUV has 96k on it now there are no signs of...

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