Just a quick update, took apart my drl switch and found this on the bottom of it which appears to be broken. Not sure what it is, to me it looks like a light but it had a blue plastic cover on it and nothing illuminates blue in there. I was looking for a circuit breaker inside the switch because...
The drl light goes off in the on position. I'm pretty sure I hear a click when I turn the switch, but not sure exactly what the relay is down there. Interestingly my headlights came back on today, but only in the off and low position not in the on position, and high beams still don't work at all.
My apologies the inside lights do work. I tried this troubleshoot here http://troubleshootmyvehicle.com/gm/4.3L-5.0L-5.7L/headlight-switch-test-2 and there is 12 Volts coming to terminal c, I tried step 2 using just a piece a speaker wire to connect c and g - not sure if that would work with the...
I forgot to mention I checked all the relevant fuses or ones that I thought might be relevant including the big lighting one under the hood. Just check the connected and as far as I know all the connections are fine. I looked at the stereo wiring diagram online and I don't think it's an issue...
I currently installed a kenwood ddx5902 on my 97 Tahoe 2dr and for some reason my headlights won't turn on now. As far as I know everything works fine with the deck and the rest of the truck but low beam and high beam won't work with the knob in any of the positions. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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