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  1. C

    2008 Tahoe STILL has misfire. Please send help

    The scanner we have doesn't tell us which cylinder is misfiring. When we got it ack from the dealership the note said cylinder 4 but our scanner is just showing a random misfire. We have since replaced the fuse box, the throttle body sensor, and the accelerator pedal. We cleaned the air...
  2. C

    2008 Tahoe STILL has misfire. Please send help

    Yup, we live near Galveston we go on the beach all the time. Fuse box will here wednesday, I'll keep yall updated, thank you!
  3. C

    2008 Tahoe STILL has misfire. Please send help

    Notes on the ticket from the dealership: "Reprogram ecm vehicle started but ran bad clean plugs remove intake and repair ground but vehicle was still missing at number 4 cylinder. Did fuel service - gas in tank could be bad vehicle do need a fuse box it is bad" Plan to change out the fuse...
  4. C

    2008 Tahoe STILL has misfire. Please send help

    If it still isn't driving, you're welcome to come by lol. I LOVE my truck, that's why we went down the rabbit hole of trying to fix it instead of unloading it. I dont understand how 4 different mechanics at this point (including the dealership) haven't been able to diagnose this. Especially...
  5. C

    2008 Tahoe STILL has misfire. Please send help

    Swathdiver, we're in Texas. Thank you though! We've been using a Bosch scanner, my Brother in Law has a better tool we can grab from him. The VLOM is new, throttle body and intake manifold are both old. I 've seen some videos where they might need to be cleaned, is that what you're thinking?
  6. C

    2008 Tahoe STILL has misfire. Please send help

    Kbuskill. Also the stabilitrac service light is how it all started in 2018. We got stuck in the sand at the beach. After the rocking and rolling of getting out, the stabilitrack went out somehow and everything else went to hell following that one event.
  7. C

    2008 Tahoe STILL has misfire. Please send help

    Kbuskill Remanufactured motor from Powertrain, 3 year warranty. My husband and his brother put it in (not their first motor swap). We literally had 2 shops refuse to do the work because of the year model of the truck . Have not replaced or or cleaned the positive cable. We haven't taken it...
  8. C

    2008 Tahoe STILL has misfire. Please send help

    Hey Y'all, March 2020 we installed a new motor and ECM ($3500) in our 2008 Tahoe LTZ 5.3. Took it to the dealership to have the computer programmed and they also changed an actuator in the transmission. (Got locked into park while it sat during motor install) ($2100) Dealership also told us...

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