Has anyone had your power driver seat move forward all by itself? Parked the Hoe in the garage last night with the seat all the way back and when I came out this morning it was all the way forward! And NO, no one else drove it in between.
If your a big guy like myself it's a scary thought to...
Hey guys, I've got a dumb question. How do you blank out your license plates when you post pics? Some guys do it and some don't. I presume the ones that don't are like me...they don't know how?
Is that some computer wizardry or do you actually cover your plates up before you take the pic...
When I was shopping for my wheels the manager at Les Schwab Tires said he'd never put lugcentric wheels on his truck. Didn't ask why, just took his word for it and got hubcentric. All the weight on the lugs just doesn't sound like a great idea to me. For what it's worth.
Hey everyone. Just came over from that "other" forum. I was gone for awhile so WTF happened over there? I logged on and everyone was banned and there were no posts. Anybody know what happened? This site looks cooler anyway but I was just curious.
Anything you buy from the dealer is a ripoff in my humble opinion. I was looking at the same wheels but man oh man, too much dough! Got these from Les Schwab for $200.00 a piece.
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