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  1. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    An update, replaced the flex fuel filter, and both upstream o2 sensors. Cleared the codes and still see PO178 which is the flex fuel sensor switch low voltage. Truck is getting harder to start unless I prime switch 2-3 cycles before hitting the starter. Tried to measure fuel pressure but the...
  2. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Went back to O'Reilly and erased the codes. No codes came up after the erasure. Have restarted three time since and the check engine has not reignited. Weather today was in the high 60's. Will advise if the check engine re-ignites at lower temperatures. Seems to be starting a bit better...
  3. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Thanks for your thoughts, if xxx restarts can clear codes, how do I know when the reset happens? Does an INNOVA 5300 scanner clear the prior codes before reporting?
  4. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Ps to all, I had tried a $24 CatCarbon treatment with no relief of check engine light. However the replacing both upstream O2 sensors has not extinguished the check engine light and three codes described in the last post are still showing.
  5. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Update on situation, replaced the fuel filter, and both upstream O2 analyzers yesterday. Disconnected to clear code but OBD still showing a PO135 (O2 analyzer)on bank 1 listed second to a PO300 ignition missfiring, then a PO178 flex fuel switch failure. Since last posting and post these...
  6. D

    Water shows up under mats

    Your A/C evaporator coil drains are blocked with probably leaf debris and overflowing into the cabin instead. Been there and own those wet carpets. Work the drain debri free from the fire exterior side using a stiff hook end wire.
  7. D

    Water shows up under mats

  8. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Code change was done before 2013. So it drove about 4 yrs without this check engine light issue. Will have to chase down the wand if this is important, or interesting otherwise
  9. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Burned 1/4 tank check engine light was on, warm engine but ambient air temp. About 55F, bought a STP water capture bottle and chk. eng light went out
  10. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Really appreciate all the help I am getting. The Vehicle saw 42F so of course the check engine came back on. Fuel port door does show an E85 sticker. PS vehicle came with a shift manipulation software change, OEM code readers cannot get past whatever this software changed. Autozone code...
  11. D

    2007 Tahoe LT 4x4 5.3L gas 158k miles, how long do the engine's last?

    My 97 Tahoe 5.7L towed about 200k of it's 306k life. In north TX weather.
  12. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Ps Aurozone code reader only can read the current condition, and cannot read the history of prior codes.
  13. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Yes 8th vin number is a Z, but fuel cap is black.
  14. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    Thanks for everybody's comments. The pattern I describe is very consistent for more than three running years, and persistent. I refueled half a tank refill yesterday while temperatures were in the Mid-60s. Had a check engine light from the half tank before adding half more refill when the...
  15. D

    Three years running. when the gas tank sees about 60F, check engine light

    When weather gets cool enough ~60F going down my check engine light comes on, also goes off when temperatures are >60F. One can of STP water chase, STP injector cleaner or Techron makes the light go off until the next fill-up or two. She is a 2004 SLT Yukon and has 212K miles on her. A winter...

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