They talk about the chirp in this forum. I also drive in L9 on local streets and the chirp goes away and back to normal drive on highways. It's the DFM doing it thing
Remote System For questions or programming help, -R&c[0]=AT2y2eUfh8SCdZZ34cHGCHTW_fY2InMnxJp7KiSO4FyTa8JtUvmE42vmRXwsaQSyXUHbGKVBSworq7lI7ZbhB8a9ov46gm3o-49zFQbH7jpHX53EJrv4k9VkFtGZtXF5D-8hkAQom44UZQgqCzvaA8FlroVa7cz9'] or call1-800-355-3515. I also had an issue setting up...
From gm site. If you choose “Decline/Delete,” you will not be reminded again and the update will not occur. Instead, you can take your vehicle to your dealer to perform the update at a later time.
I hear it when the air conditioner is on when i start the truck, It sounds like a grunting niose right after the engine starts. As for a smoke issue i haven't notice any.
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