Well I figured it out the dummy who pressed the pinion bearing on through the new bearing race in the garbage and reinstalled the old one I'll tell you it's he'll getting old lol thanks for all the replies now that I really look like a dope I'll go put it back together
I won't be able to get any pictures till Friday but I will get some even video showing the slop and yes I did mean that the yoke looks like it is on all the way and the nut is bottomed out and still has play I will get some pics and a video after I put it back together
I did change both bearings and races I only left the crush sleeve out just to see if it would tighten down I didn't leave it out i put it back in I have an exploded view of the diff on all data and I don't see anything missing the old bearings were tight it was only making a noise no play or...
I tried it with and without the crush collar all races are thier and in tact it just don't make sence I'm not their now to be able to get pictures I'm not sure if pictures would really help theirs not much to see on the inside I changed the pinion bearing did not remove the shimm kept the same...
I am working on a 2005 yukon xl denali 2 wd the rear end is the 8.62 locker rear end with 10 bolt pan i pulled everything apart the front bearing is the one that was bad but i pulled the pinion and did all the bearings anyway when i started to put it back together the pinion wont tighten back...
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