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  1. 9

    Dim/Intermittent Security light issue

    Hey all, have an 04 Z71 Tahoe, and lately i've been noticing the security light being on but dimly lit, sometimes it flickers, other times it goes away entirely with no rhyme or reason. It's not causing issues that I can tell but i'd like to fix it. Seems I might have a small battery draw...
  2. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    My worry I guess is that it's some super cheap aftermarket replacement that has some flaws, it's definetely not original. Wondering if it's an issue with the thermostat surface. Just spitballing at this point.
  3. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    I think I will probably just get a new thermostat again and test it this time before install. Kind of want to get a new GM pump too just to be sure nothing is wrong with it. All I know is it shouldn't take a 5.3 gasser longer to warm up than my diesels, that's why I bought a gasser again for...
  4. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    This is with that line basically clamped shut. This was showing about 203-207 on my scanner.
  5. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    I agree, what I mean I guess is that it was warmer than it usually is. The gauge was showing roughly "225" instead of "210".
  6. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    So the other day I put a clamp on the hose to the coolant tank so that it barely flowed. It warmed up much faster for sure but then ran a tad warm, but still around 203° according to my scanner. Opened it back up and back to long warm up. And yes the lower hose is cool. Heater hoses are...
  7. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    It sits here when driving.
  8. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    Tried this today, really didn't notice much change in warming up faster, and it still cooled down when I idled it for a bit. I don't know what else to try other than maybe a new GM waterpump and stat, not sure what brand is on it. Radiator is 100% original. To be clear, yes it does get up to...
  9. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    Any pics of that restrictor by chance? i'll have to check that out.
  10. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    I replaced the fan clutch also because funny enough the a/c also sucks when not moving, it didn't help anything either.
  11. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    Radiator looks to be original.
  12. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    Cools down to this from "210" at idle.
  13. 9

    Declining MPG

    What size tires? If anything other than stock did you correct the speedometer so you can calculate correctly?
  14. 9

    2004 Tahoe operating temp issue.

    So i've had my tahoe for just over a year, it has 107K now. Ever since i've had it, it has trouble warming up. Anything starting around 40 degrees or lower, it takes about 5 miles to get to operating temp, and this is also letting it warm up for at least 5 minutes. At idle it will never get to...
  15. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    The confusing thing is, for a week or so I capped off that port on the intake so the EVAP was venting to atmosphere and nothing changed in that time.
  16. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    Also, I did a compression check the other day just to check, passed perfectly with basically all 190 PSI. But I noticed the plugs were all super clean, would they not be sooted up and black if it was running rich? Thye have about 2K miles on them. I also can't say it's actually blowing black...
  17. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    So even though the EVAP code hasn't popped up for awhile, I think I am going to replace it just to eliminate it, its cheap enough at least and i'm running out of things to replace or check.
  18. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    This is what i'm afraid it's coming down to. Literally nothing about this whole thing makes sense, because besides the fuel trims being all over the place, all other sensors seem to be doing what they're supposed to. Something during the engine swap happened and I have no idea what. With that...
  19. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    I only swapped the bank 2 sensor 1 O2 but nothing changed and they seem to be reading like they should.
  20. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    First pic is what it was doing when running terrible. Second is after I went and flogged on it.
  21. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    These finally popped up again when it was running like trash in the morning.
  22. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    So that EVAP code hasn't come on for awhile now and I checked the canister and it seems just fine, never had issues filling up. But this thing is just so hit and miss right now and it's so frustrating. So I replaced the MAF just to see and nothing changed of course. Yesterday morning I...
  23. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    Hard hot starts and low on power is the main issue. LTFTs are WAY negative and get worse the more miles I have on an oil change i've noticed too. Right now it sounds like it has a mild cam when you start it cold. I just cannot figure out what is making it run rich, and I assume this is what...
  24. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    I do but everything seemed normal from what I was reading. Had it on a snap on scanner and HP tuners.
  25. 9

    2008 Escalade P0455, P0172 & P0175, pulling my hair out.

    I attempted to do this but apparently 6.2 powered rigs don't have a flex sensor. I thought the exact same thing and unfortunately it doesn't exist.

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