2012 tahoe ssv

  1. C

    2012 Tahoe SSV

    Hi folks! The PD in the next town over were auctioning a few vehicles, including this 2012 Tahoe SSV, I placed a fun low-ish bid not expecting to win and somehow ended up winning. Total cost was about $7500 after sales tax & registration fees, car have 83.5k miles and 5.2k of engine hours. Now...
  2. brice117_

    What to do lol

    So, I just got a 2012 SSV that was used as an offroad vehicle for the police, it has a slight lift and what not, I am wondering what can I do performance wise or wheels and tire wise to an SSV. The reason I say that is because not a lot of people seem to have SSVs (4x4) in the 5.3 If anyone can...
  3. T

    2012 Tahoe SSV Airbag Code / Rust drivers side

    Hi guys, I've been lurking reading the threads from the forum off of google since last year. I currently have 2 problems, the B0021 - 0D Airbag code and quite a bit of rust in the driver side foot well. A part of it had rusted thru and we fixed that last year but i lifted more vinyl up and i...

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