body to frame ground

  1. D

    Could a broken chassis-to-hood ground strap cause my battery to drain and various CEL codes?

    Hi All - appreciate your thoughts on this. 2003 GMC Yukon 5.3L 2wd with 175k miles. I've been driving these 00-06 Yukons for 22 years. Had a 2000 that I put 400k miles on, and a 2005 that I put 300k on, and I love these 00-06 model years so I bought this '03 used a year ago from the original...
  2. Tahoe97

    Woven copper wire for grounding

    On my 23 yr old 97 Tahoe, there are (were) several body to frame copper grounding wires that are an uninsulated copper weave. At least 2 of them are so old and corroded that they broke and are no longer making any ground connection. What kind of troubles might I run into if I don't find a way...