
  1. C

    2021 Yukon Subwoofer locations/suggestions

    Hey guys, first time posting here. I have a 2021 gmc Yukon slt with bose sound system. I have two 10 inch subwoofers and an amp from my prior gmc sierra. The Bose sound system is good but the bass delivery comes through mainly in my face and upper body, definitely miss having bass felt...
  2. sodacitydenali

    2021 RSE Idea - Anyone good w/wiring?

    The idea of having HDMI/USB cables hanging out of the center console in the back bothers me, on a $80k+ vehicle. I feel like the HDMI and USB inputs should be tucked away, both for aesthetics, and also to keep 5 year olds from kicking them when they're walking by or hauling their backpacks in...
  3. coolmanop

    Pressing down brake pedal activates left turn signal.

    Hey guys, so the other day I noticed my left turn signal wasn't working, if I pull the turn signal lever down to activate the left signal it holds solid without blinking once. First thing I do is try flipping it up and the right signal works fine. After this I noticed that whenever I press down...
  4. clemenshess97

    swapping the RCDLR on a 2003 Tahoe

    I have the problem that I am left with only one working remote control for my 2003 Tahoe. Since it is the European version (433 mhz remote control, not 315 mhz) I can't find a replacement...I tried numerous online shops (none of them have them with my FCC ID, frequency, GM parts number)...
  5. S

    Electronic issues with BCM/instrument cluster

    Hey guys, I have an 03 GMC yukon XL with what I suspect to be a faulty instrument cluster. Actually there might be a number of problems... First of all the instrument cluster display cycles through the three languages (English, French, Spanish) and also the personal trip odometer. The personal...

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