engine stall

  1. Dan Sho

    2007 Yukon Denali crank no start after driving

    Ok folks here we go. Have a 2007 Yukon Denali. Started acting up a couple weeks ago. Warm it up drive 10-15 miles and it idles down when coming to a stop. Went to back it into a parking spot and dies with a minor idle surge prior. Call tow truck after disconnecting negative cable for ten or so...
  2. clemenshess97

    Engine stalls when in drive

    Hey everybody, my tahoe was acting very strange today... When I turned it on after sitting for an hour the engine idled very rough between 500-800rpm and needed like 30secs to stay at 650rpms. After 15mins of driving the check engine light came on and the display said the engine has reduced...
  3. T

    Put in new alternator now engine idle is off and engine stalls

    I own a 2003 GMC Yukon XL 1500 4WD 5.3L and recently put in a new alternator. After installation I started the Yukon and noticed that the idle is not correct and the engine stalled. I drove the car around hoping that the computer would reset, but to no avail. I charged the battery overnight...

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