
  1. sn00gan

    2023 Tahoe LT Stock Chrome Grille

    When I ordered my Tahoe, the dealer-installed black grille we wanted was on back-order (LPO), so she was delivered with the stock chrome LT grille. Several months later, the replacement grille finally arrived, and rather than let the dealership throw the original one into the dumpster I had...
  2. Woods0

    Best option for body color HD grill?

    Had my Z71 for just over a year now. Like lot's of people, I'm a fan of the flat look on the Silverado HD grills. I've seen quite a few color matched grills around before and it's definitely the look I'm into. Problem is I can't find any ready-for-paint HD grills. Do I just need to look harder...
  3. R Black

    2020 Take-off grille "upgrade"

    This is just a probe for interest. I do have the grille off my car. It was the grille they put on when the 3rd seat delete is specified. This is (and here's where I break all the rules of salesmanship) the grille that makes a 2015-2020 Tahoe look a lot like a Chrysler Mini-van. (tee hee) It's...

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