magnetic ride delete

  1. B

    Arnott Passive vs. Active Mageneride Replacement: Am I understanding tradeoffs correctly?

    I am looking at whether to keep or delete magneride using Arnott struts, and I want to make sure I am understanding the tradeoffs. Delete: more affordable Less "sporty" but also less stiff under 65mph Still a good ride quality Keep: expensive Stiffer at lower speeds, but more sporty driving...
  2. dpollak81

    Did the magneride delete with Arnott setup, here is a full run down

    Hey long time lurker here, but I've gleaned quite a bit of wisdom on these forums and must say thanks. Time to engage and offer some of my own wisdom. Just wanted to share my experience with doing the Magneride delete on our 2015 Yukon Denali since that seems to be a common topic on here and I...
  3. P

    Magnetic Ride Delete Lessons Learned

    Recently completed a front magnetic ride delete on my 2015. After reviewing countless posts and threads, I wanted to share my experience to help others. After 75k, struts were smoked, one completely seized 2" shorter than the other. Based on some other posts I had two choices ... complete...

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