
  1. ShookieJay

    Coolant Reservoir Level Sensor

    The past couple days I've been getting a low coolant message when I start my '03 Tahoe. The level in the reservoir is good and temp has been normal. Assuming the sensor is going bad. My question is, can the sensor be replaced or is it molded into the reservoir? I searched online for the sensor...
  2. DJPoertsch

    Need Help for my Airride System here in Germany at my Tahoe 2007.

    Hello my friends. I have a question to you. I have already replaced the entire Airride system in my Tahoe with normal shock absorbers and springs at the front and rear. Now I have a couple of questions for you guys. 1. Can I simply remove my compressor that is already very rusty or do I get...
  3. DJPoertsch

    Need help to find a new battery for my tahoe here in Germany

    Hello dear friends, As I wrote in my heading, I am looking for a new battery for my Tahoe. I had the following problem. My starter was probably broken because it took me four to five tries to start the engine. Sometimes he just clicked and the battery broke down. I have changed the starter as...
  4. sgosa

    Misfire and no power....

    2003 Yukon, 5.3 flex fuel, 200K miles. CEL came on, but it still ran fine. A week or so later it started fluttering or missing when accelerating to merge with traffic. Within the next 10 miles it lost almost all power. Had to be towed home. Now it will barely idle. Runs very rough, seems to have...

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